Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bayesian Learning Essay examples - 1308 Words

BAYESIAN LEARNING Abstract Uncertainty has presented a difficult obstacle in artificial intelligence. Bayesian learning outlines a mathematically solid method for dealing with uncertainty based upon Bayes Theorem. The theory establishes a means for calculating the probability an event will occur in the future given some evidence based upon prior occurrences of the event and the posterior probability that the evidence will predict the event. Its use in artificial intelligence has been met with success in a number of research areas and applications including the development of cognitive models and neural networks. At the same time, the theory has been criticized for being philosophically unrealistic and logistically inefficient.†¦show more content†¦They allow intelligent systems flexibility and a logical way to update their database of knowledge. The appeal of probability theories in AI lies in the way they express the qualitative relationship among beliefs and can process these relationships to draw c onclusions (Pearl, 1988). One of the most formalized probabilistic theories used in AI relates to Bayes theorem. Bayesian methods have been used for a variety of AI applications across many disciplines including cognitive modeling, medical diagnosis, learning causal networks, and finance. Two years after his death, in 1763, Rev. Thomas Bayes Essay Toward solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances was published. Bayes is regarded as the first to use probability inductively and established a mathematical basis for probability inference which he outlined in this now famous paper. The idea behind Bayes method is simple; the probability that an event will occur in future trials can be calculated from the frequency with which it has occurred in prior trails. Lets consider some everyday knowledge to outline Bayes rule: where theres smoke, theres fire. We use this everyday cliche to suggest cause and effect. But how are such relationships learned in and from everyday experience? Conditional probability provides a way to estimate the likelihood of some outcome given a particular situation. Bayes theorem further refines this idea by incorporatingShow MoreRelatedResearch Statement : Texas A M University1438 Words   |  6 Pagesto inverse problems, transport based filtering, graphical models and online learning. My research projects are motivated by many real-world problems in engineering and life sciences. I have collaborated with researchers in engineering and bio-sciences on developing rigorous uncertainty quantification methods within Bayesian framework for computationally intensive problems. 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Chan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Batch production, Demand, Forecasting, Inventory management, Bayesian statistics, Time series Keywords Introduction A typical scenario in a manufacturing company in Singapore is one in which all the strategic decisions, including forecasting of future demand, are provided by an overseas office. TheRead MoreEssay On Sentiment Classification769 Words   |  4 Pagesparticular aspect into consideration. There can be a situation where the sentiment holder may express contrasting sentiments for the same product, object, organization etc Techniques for sentiment analysis is generally partitioned as (1) machine learning approach, (2) lexicon-based approach and (3) combined approach (Meddhat et al., 2014a). There are two approaches for the lexicon-based approach. 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In this paper, we build up a novel progressive Bayesian model, called Relational Collaborative Topic Regression (RCTR), to join thing relations for suggestion. The principle commitments of RCTR are laid out. II. Foundation: In this area, we give a brief presentation about the back-ground of RCTR, includingRead MoreMethodology of the Naà ¯ve Bayes Algorithm. Essay1534 Words   |  7 Pagesthe presence of many other words. To make our life easier, we make an assumption that all occurrences are independent of each other (thus the model is called â€Å"naive†). The entire Naà ¯ve Bayess rule without the â€Å"independence† assumption is called â€Å"Bayesian Network†. We do not intend to go into that in this project. Bayess rule for multiple evidences: P (E1, E2... En | H) x P (H) P (H | E1, E2... En) = _____________________ P (E1, E2... En) With the assumption of independence, we can rephrase

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Transcendentalism In Walt Whitmans A Song Of Myself

The school of thought that is transcendentalism is best explained as the idea that everything is connected. America, as a country, represents the philosophy of Transcendentalism. This is best exemplified in the writing of Walt Whitman. In his poem, â€Å"A Song of Myself†, Whitman truly heralded a new brand of American exceptionalism. He championed the individual and created a work that exemplified the common man as the pillar of the American dream. Yet he also explained that Americans are what make up the county and the culture. The country could not be as great as it is without the people it contains and the incredibly resilient spirit that is present throughout every American inhabitant. In the fifteenth stanza of â€Å"A Song of Myself†,†¦show more content†¦The ability of nature is just as â€Å"astonishing† as the ability of man and they are connected. Whitman could not have written the words of â€Å"A Song of Myself† without the incredible feats of nature just as the actions of nature could not be admired as feats without men like Whitman and the transcending appreciation of nature in American culture. Whitman’s definition of transcendentalism also seems to include multiple facets of the self. â€Å"I am large, I contain multitudes.† (1066 Textbook) This idea is incredibly supportive of the idea of the American dream. America was conceived with a promise that anyone and everyone can be successful and follow their dreams. Whitman is aware that throughout â€Å"A Song of Myself†, there seem to be contradictions. But they are arguably not contradictions at all. Rather they are an example of how America can be a land of opportunity for people as no one should be defined in one way. This is especially exemplified in lines 344-348 in the poem as the speaker lists careers that seem to be opposite of each other, like both a teacher and a learner or a prisoner and a lawyer. Yet these short lines prove Whitman’s belief in the American dream and one’s freedom to pursue it at any stage in life. In the transcendentalist America, one is capable of being anythin g they want to be as they contain the abilities of their entire country and maybeShow MoreRelatedWalt Whitmans Influences1411 Words   |  6 PagesWalt Whitman’s influence to American Literary History After the Civil War, Walt Whitman realized that the American people were in need of their own identity. Therefore, he wrote the book â€Å"Leaves of Grass† with the goal of creating a literature piece that was authentic and organic to the United States in every sense. Whitman introduced to literature the idea of the â€Å"American Dream† and highlighted how important it was for the American people to develop their own identity. Consequently, he rejectedRead More walt whitman Essay1383 Words   |  6 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Walt Whitman nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Walt Whitman was a follower of the two Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. He believed in Emerson and Thoreau’s Trascendentalist beliefs. Whitman believed that individualism stems from listening to one’s inner voice and that one’s life is guided by one’s intuition. The Transcendentalist centered on the divinity of each individual; but this divinity could be self-discoveredRead MoreWalt Whitman s Song Of Myself1191 Words   |  5 Pages Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself† Walt Whitman was an American poet born in May 31, 1819 in New York, and he died in March 26, 1892 in New Jersey. He grew up going to school in separate facilities from people of color, so he was growing up along with the nation. He was self-taught by exploring things for himself, for example, going to the museums when he could. Whitman as a young boy alternated from being in the city to being in the countryside with his grandparents. He was exposed to be beingRead MoreAnalysis Of Song Of Myself By Walt Whitman1451 Words   |  6 Pagesthe philosophy of transcendentalism. Addressing the primary focus of transcendentalism - the search for self-wisdom, discovery and betterment – is the ground-breaking poet, Walt Whitman. In his poetry, Whitman explores the surreal and cosmic, relating the supernatural to the mundane .With an emphasis on oneness with nature, Whitman’s celebratory attitude of the human soul in all of its complexity, beauty, and contradictions is most not ed in his extensive poem titled â€Å"Song of Myself†, and is developedRead MoreThemes Of Individualism And Carpe Diem Developed From The Transcendentalist Movement898 Words   |  4 Pages Walt Whitman, a poet, celebrated himself and his connection with the world by writing â€Å"Song of Myself† in 1855. â€Å"Throughout the poem, Whitman probes the question of how large the new democratic self can become before it dissipates into contradiction and fragmentation, and each time he seems to reach the limit, he dilates even more† (Forsythe). The poem shaped the idea of what it meant to be an American, by bringing citizens together. It also foreshadowed the Civil War, which began in 1961. In â€Å"SongRead MorePeace Through Self Reliance And Carpe Diem923 Words   |  4 PagesPeace Through Self-Reliance and Carpe Diem Walt Whitman, a democratic poet, celebrated himself and his connection with the world by writing â€Å"Song of Myself† in 1855. According to Eric Forsythe, â€Å"Throughout the poem, Whitman probes the question of how large the new democratic self can become before it dissipates into contradiction and fragmentation, and each time he seems to reach the limit, he dilates even more† (Forsythe). The poem shaped the idea of what it meant to be an American, by bringingRead MoreAmerican Romanticism : An Important Time For Poetry And Its Development974 Words   |  4 Pagesthat touched on themes of the American romanticism was Walt Whitman, in his poem â€Å"Song of Myself†. He also promotes individualism, but also touches on unity unlike Emerson. Both poets were very well known for their time. The themes intertwined into a poet’s poem’s tell a lot about their life and what they were trying to convey. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American poet in the 1800’s who led the transcendentalist movement. Transcendentalism is group of people who came together because they all believedRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Whitman s What Came First The Chicken Or The Egg? 1739 Words   |  7 PagesTaylor Fink Professor Jonathan Cook English 231 10 July 2015 Emerson Vs. Whitman and Their Influence on Each Other When talking about Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman a similar question of â€Å"What came first the chicken or the egg?† comes to mind. Scholars may argue that without Emerson and his influential sermons and speeches that Walt Whitman would have never found his voice, but how can someone who so many consider one of the greatest poets of all time cease to exist? Ralph Waldo Emerson knewRead MoreWalt Whitman: An Omnisexual Poet2586 Words   |  11 Pages The homosexual themes displayed in Walt Whitman’s works, especially in his most famous collection of poems Leaves of Grass, raise the question of his own sexuality. Many of his poems depicted affection and sexuality in a simple, personal manner, causing nineteenth century Americans to view them as pornographic and obscene. Based on this poetry, Whitman is usually assumed to be homosexual, or at least bisexual. However, this assumption does not account for major influences of his writing suchRead MoreWalt Whitman And Allen Ginsbergs Poetry1332 Words   |  6 Pagesyour inner moonlight; don t hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don t care who s listening.† Walt Whitman was a brilliant writer of his time, a writer that created a voice for the masses to no longer be a mass, but an individual. He was truly a pioneer of his generation, a revolutionary in thought, and this is not his quote. Due to his paralleled lifestyle to Walt Whitman, Allen Ginsberg learned and drew inspiration from such works as â€Å"Leaves of Grass† to apply towards his own

Monday, December 9, 2019

Joyce Carol Oates Analysis Of His Short free essay sample

Joyce Carol Oates: Analysis Of His Short Story Essay, Research Paper ? Did Connie Bring Arnold? s Actions Upon Herself? ? Her bosom was about excessively large for her thorax and its pumping made perspiration interruption out all over her? ( 105 ) . Joyce Carol Oates places the reader in an unwanted state of affairs in ? Where are you traveling, Where have you been? ? . This state of affairs is a immature miss being wickedly seduced and raped. Although Connie is immature and beautiful, her two contrasting personalities and actions put her in a place of fright and daze as Arnold Friend, takes her to a personal life snake pit. The chief struggle of the narrative is between Arnold Friend and Connie. The writer brings the audience into the struggle when Arnold? s gold bus pulls into Connie? s private road ( 15 ) . Oates so takes us to Arnold? s chief aim? acquiring Connie outside? ( 20 ) . As Connie and Friend acquire more involved in their statements, the narrative builds up to a boiling point. The flood tide of the narrative is when Connie puts down the phone and gives into Arnold. Friend, with all of his evil appeal, leads Connie closer to him in her indecisiveness ( 145 ) . Friend has now taken over Connie? s ideas. He additions control of her head and takes advantage of her immatureness by scoring her to come outside and viciously ravishing her. Arnold, holding gotten what he wants, brings the narrative to a declaration when Connie enters a mystical land where she has neer been. Now, Connie is left entirely in her life snake pit that Arnold has created. Friends misrepresentation leaves Connie experiencing absolutely entirely and incapable of sing any emotions. Oates portrays Connie as a immature and beautiful miss. Connie loved to look at herself. Her female parent ever criticized this and seemed to prefer her older, more reliable sister. Connie? s beauty and adolescence are one of the major helpers to Arnold? s behavior. A 2nd feature that brings the struggle of the narrative to her is Connie? s different personalities. She has two different ways of transporting herself? place? and ? anyplace else? . Her? place? personality is a more conservative, unsociable, and acceptable of a immature lady. However, her? anyplace else? personality brings about many R / gt ; alterations non merely in behaviour but besides in visual aspect. She could be seen as broad, sociable, and wild immature miss who is unfastened to new things ( 5 ) . Oates points out a 3rd trait. This trait is seeable through Connie? s actions. Her behaviour is reversible along with every thing else about her. Her actions in the first of the narrative, where she teases the male childs and entices them ( 5 ) , play a crisp contrast to her frightened actions at the terminal when the male child is luring her ( 110 ) . Connie exemplifies most immature misss in her actions. She likes to badger the immature work forces, but doesn? t understand the reverberations her actions will convey approximately. The writer takes the topic of a vulnerable immature miss and interweaves it with the subject of? good vs. immorality? . Connie is described as immature and immature ; nevertheless, Arnold is described as older and wiser. The subject is farther developed in the manner Arnold tempts Connie to come outdoors. A comparing can be drawn to Satan? s tempting of Jesus Christ such as: the show of his cognition, doing promises, and offering unrealistic wagess. This highlights the authoritative? good vs. evil? conflict. Nevertheless, Connie is much more susceptible than Jesus, and resignations to Arnold by traveling outside. Connie doesn? T want to travel but feels she has no other pick. Joyce Carol Oates leaves a acrimonious gustatory sensation in her audience? s oral cavity at the terminal of the narrative. Through Oates description of Connie? s features she shows how Connie had to populate with the consequence of her workss. Oates feels that unfairness has been done yet proves her point of immature misss opening themselves to these actions with their ain actions. She intends to go forth the injustice unpunished so her audience feels merely a little portion of what Connie felt. Connie didn? T want or merit the offense that was done to her. In the terminal Connie realized the artlessness she had been seeking to get away was now gone. Although the loss of her artlessness didn? t happen in a manner she had dreamed of it was gone and she was ? taken up merely the same by the huge sunlit ranges of the land behind him and on all sides of him, so much land that Connie had neer seen before and did non acknowledge except to cognize that she was traveling to it? ( 160 ) . ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;

Monday, December 2, 2019

Project Russia Review Essay Example

Project Russia Review Paper Essay on Project Russia Dear amazonka2010, I think it is not necessary to dump all the problems in our country and the shoulders of the people in the government or Jews looking at our lives from abroad. You think that a good uncle of the government (including the president) just like that and will get us out of this (sorry) crap? Want to civilized society and organnizovannoe and sober for years the government has increased five to ten ?! Soon, only cats are born! I do not understand your position. Book exact book project aims to reflect their reading; to change the awareness of current problems. If you like its a kick in the pants US ALL. You seem not to have learned the essence of the first book. Ill prompt: democracy is a myth. And her private step is the election authority. So this theme with a choice of time-RULER and condemned. And how would you have dealt in place of any branch chief (Im not even talking about the president), if you knew what you temporary head of (say one year)? Completely gave h imself to the service and detract from the work You would first of all think about the salary and how to feed their families. About the same and think our rulers currently. So, this idea goes by the wayside when serving the people is the primary goal. And it will be so if this service is long enough for an indefinite period, or if you want a life. Thats what the first book. How and where the authors live, they are millionaires or not, and where the money from the project is not our business. Or arguments about who and how profited This money we do not see and do not know their size ever. Or what have you got ENVY Stop thinking begins to think. these are not my words, but they can be very useful.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Types Of Love In Romeo And Juliet Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Types Of Love In Romeo And Juliet Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Types of love in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a play about two lovers separated by their feuding families. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.(Pro.I.6) The two foes Shakespeare speaks of are the Montagues and the Capulets. Their hate for each other is great and violent. The hate of the two families is shown early with a street brawl. The hate causes the lovers to hide their love from their families until the very end. after Romeo and Juliet died in the Caplulet tomb the two families see their hate and reconcile for the love of their beloved children. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet reviled love as a war as a religion as a malady and as a cult. The theme of love, which he explains in other keys in plays before and after remain central, though now it is to idealized in all seriousness(Sauffer 29). All through the play Shakespeare constantly held love as the basis of the play. The actual ethical energy of the drama resides in its Wise,2 realization of the purity and intensity of ideal love. Here there is no swerving(Stauffer 32). Stauffer believes that Romeo and Juliet's love was pure and intense also it is constant ever since the they lay eyes on each other. Romeo and Juliet's love is a perfect blending of body and soul. The obstacle which is a feature of the amour-passion legend is partly external, the family feud; but is partly a sword of the lovers' won tempering since, unlike earlier tellers of the story, Shakespeare leaves us with no explanation of why Romeo did not put Juliet on his horse and make for Manturia(Mahood 392). If Romeo would leave Verona with his love Juliet both will live with each other and could be in love till they are old and gray, but instead Romeo leaves with out his love and die young with each other. The love of Romeo and Juliet is immediate violent and final. In the voyage of the play they abandon themselves to a rudderless course that must end in ship wreck(Mahood 392). "Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks, thy sea sick weary burke: He eres my Louve."(V.iiii 117-119) The theme of Romeo and Juliet is love and violence and their interactions. In it these two mightiest of mighty opposites meet each other squarely - and one wins(Goddard 118). The whole secrete of the play is that the deaths of Wise,3 the lovers are not the result of the hatred of the houses, nor of any other cause except love itself, which seeks death in its own restoring cordial. Love conquers death even more surly than it defeats hate. It sweeps aside all accidents so that fate itself seems powerless. Time is defeated, in that first stirring of a belief that Shakespeare came later to trust completely: that the intensity of an emotion towers above its temporal duration or success(Stauffer 32). What Stauffer is trying to say is that love is very powerful and even in death the love continues. Romeo finds Juliet's sleeping body after she had drank the potion, and he believes her to be dead. Romeo is slain when Juliet wakes up from here sleep. Out of fear and love she inserts a dagger into her heart with the famous line "Oh happy dagger". Even though the two lovers are dead their love continues. The love between Romeo and Juliet was forbidden by the two families because of their hatred for each other. Most religions say to honor your parents and if their parents new of the love it could have been disaterious. After Juliet marries Romeo the Nurse tries to convince Juliet to commit bigamy. She wants here to marry Paris so that all will be right with here father and the rest of the Capulet family, Juliet refuses. Wise,4 At the time Romeo meets Juliet, he is infatuated with a woman named Roseline. Romeo's moon struck calf-love for Rosaline must be laughed out of him by his friends Benvolio and Mercutio, by his guide Friar Lawrence and by his own true love. For Romeo doting upon Rosalin, love was malady and religion; for Mercutio it is sheer lunacy or a brutal conquest(Mahood 398). Mercutio's realm of love was lust, also very false by nature. For all the bad things the be said about lust, it is where all the jokes are and Mercutio being a joker used it to his full advantage. In trying to call Romeo over the wall, he tried a certain amount of discussion about Rosline's body

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Employment of Minors between the Ages of 12 and 18 Essay - 1

Employment of Minors between the Ages of 12 and 18 - Essay Example (c) It is necessary for the individual to submit the following elements before they are able to be granted a certificate: (1) A certified copy of a birth certificate or birth registration card; and (2) A statement from the potential employer indicating that if he were given a certificate from the school superintendent, he could employ the minor immediately and describing the type of job offered. It shall be understood that the potential employer, by furnishing such statement, does not promise to employ the minor for any specific amount of time. (d) A copy of the certificate will be made a part of the minors school file, for all minors between the ages of 16 and 18. The certificate must show that the minor is at least 16 years of age in order to qualify the minor to work between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. and to be employed in any of the occupations covered by Code Section 39-2-2. In addition to the certificate, the superintendent of schools, or an authorized member of his staff, shall issue an identification card to each minor in this category. The identification card will demonstrate that the minor is eligible for employment. The minor will then not have to attain future employment certificates unless his certificate is revoked by the Commissioner of Labor. (e)(1) The certificate mentioned above must be accompanied by a letter from the minors school administrator indicating that the minor is enrolled in school full-time and has a good attendance record. The employer of the minor must maintain a copy the certificate and the letter in the minors employment file. The letter must be updated in January of each academic year during which the minor is working. This process will continue until the minor turns 18, receives a high school diploma, a general educational development (GED) diploma, a special education diploma, or a certificate of high school completion, or has terminated his or her secondary education and is enrolled in a postsecondary school. Any employer failing to comply with these rules is guilty of a misdemeanor and if convicted will  be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.00, up to twelve months imprisonment, or both, for each violation.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fast Food Advertising Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fast Food Advertising - Research Paper Example This essay "Fast Food Advertising" outlines the negative impact of this kind of commercial on the society and especially kids. Advertisement of fast foods in the media is to blame for the increase in childhood obesity in the current society because most of the children tend to have a desire of trying every fast food that they find being advertised without noticing that the effects of the same foods can be negative to their health and their future. There exists a relationship in children eating habits, food children observe being advertised and the choices of food that they also have and this has been observed in our current society. These bad eating habits of fast foods, which are influenced through foods being advertised, have led to increment of obesity among the children. Recent studies clearly indicate that the number of hours children spend watching tends to affect their eating habits, as well as the type of foods they consume. These studies revealed that the children who spent most of their time watching and paying attention to adverts on foods, tend to eat more fast foods. Considering children like and curious of being introduced to new things in their surrounding the moment a new advertisement is set for them, they make their friends understand that they have seen the advert, and are ready to try the new type of fast food in the market. Because parents always work hard to ensure their children have everything at their comfort they result to buying them the foods that they propose to them, which are usually fast foods.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tell Me About Blood Essay Example for Free

Tell Me About Blood Essay 1. Hematocrit is what measures the red blood cells in blood. Red blood cells are important for transporting iron and oxygen and for creating energy. If the red blood cell count is lower-than-normal it could indicate several diseases and problems within the body. It may be due to anemia, bleeding, destruction of red blood cells, leukemia, malnutrition, low iron, folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 or overhydration. A bacterial infection causes white blood cells to increase, since they are the cells that attack and destroy the bacteria. As the white blood cells increase, red blood cells decrease. 2. All formed elements begin in red bone marrow as pluripotent stem cells. Pluri means several and these type of stem cells have the ability to turn into many different types of cells. For formed elements pluripotent cells reproduce in the bone marrow and become two different types of cells: myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells. While myeloid stem cells complete development in the red bone marrow and create the majority of formed elements in the blood, lymphoid stem cells finish up in the lymphatic tissues of the body. From there lymphocytes are created and all formed elements, including lymphocytes, are swept into the blood stream to complete their jobs. However, lymphocytes divide once they leave the marrow, while other formed elements do not. 3. Erythropoiesis is the creation of red blood cells. The making of red blood cells (RBCs) starts in the red blood marrow with another cell called a proerythroblast. The proerythroblast is basically an immature red blood cell. As they mature they then become a reticulocyte. A reticulocyte is the middle, or â€Å"teenage,† stage of a RBC. One it fully matures it becomes an erythrocyte. The rate of RBC production is regulated by the percentage of reticulocytes versus RBC circulating. Erythropoiesis is controlled directly by the amount of oxygen carried to the kidneys. If the kidneys are not receiving enough oxygen to distribute to the rest of the body, it will release a hormone into the blood stream called erythropoietin, which signals the bone marrow to create more proerythroblasts. 4. If a person with type B blood were given type O blood in a transfusion, there would be no negative impact. Blood types are determined by antigens, or proteins on the surface of the blood cells. A person with type B blood has the antigen B, while a person with type O blood does not have any antigens present. Thus the term â€Å"universal donor.† With the antigens, we also carry antibodies, called agglutinins, which react  negatively with the A or B antigen. Blood type B contains the anti-A antibody. Since the type O blood does not carry either antigen, the agglutinin has nothing to attack if it was introduced into the body. 5. A. This WBC is a lymphocyte and its function is to fight viral infections and some leukemias. B. This WBC is a basophil and its function is to fight allergic reactions, leukemias, cancers and indicate hypothyroidism. C. This WBC is a monocyte and its function is to fight viral or fungal infections, tuberculosis, some leukemias and other chronic diseases. D. This WBC is a neutrophil and its function is to fight bacterial infections, burns, stress and inflammation. E. This WBC is an eosinophil and is function is to fight allergic reactions, parasitic infections and autoimmune diseases. 6. A person with a parasitic disease would have a higher level of leukocytes because they are the cells that combat the parasite. Leukocytes are white blood cells, which are used to fight a variety of infections. Eosinophils are specific to parasitic infections and they attack the parasite by releasing enzymes that destroy the invader. The count would be higher because they are battling the parasite and do not return to the blood stream once they leave. This is a normal reaction if there is an invader in the body. 7. Lymphocytes are responsible for the immune response against pathogens. Lymphocytes are continuously moving through the lymphoid tissues, lymph and blood. They only spend a few hours at a time in the blood and act as a first defense system. They are very effective in destroying bacteria and making their toxins inactive. 8. Prothrombinase is an enzyme that converts prothrombin, a plasma protein that is formed in the liver, into the enzyme thrombin. Thrombin then converts soluble fibrinogen, which is another liver protein, into insoluble fibrin. Fibrin is what forms the threads of the blood clot to stop bleeding. The main difference between the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways are that the extrinsic pathway occurs outside of the blood vessels while intrinsic occurs within the vessels. The extrinsic pathway occurs rapidly, with clotting occurring in seconds, while intrinsic takes several minutes and is more complex than the extrinsic pathway.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Healthcare Policy is an area that is well entrenched into European Politics and society. The issue of healthcare takes on different roles and involves many different things throughout many countries in Europe. Many countries in Europe use a form of government healthcare system, while other take a hybrid plan between government and private healthcare, while other take a private healthcare form altogether. The two countries I will be focusing on our Italy and Britain and the issue of healthcare in their two respected countries, and further analyzing how they were formed, what their policy entails and how it works, and also the similarities and differences between both their healthcare polices, and through that information the pro’s and con’s of each plan. When examining the issue of healthcare and the policy it is better known as a policy that looks to address the medical issues for citizens of each respected country. These medical services are issued through a thing known as health insurance. First this insurance can be made through the government or private insurance companies. Secondly, you look to see what these health programs and insurance provide, and that is doctor visits, drugs, medical procedures, and surgeries and many other things which can differ through the plans given. But also healthcare policy also looks to the provider and that is hospitals and doctors, they could be private or public hospitals, or the policy could be where people can choose their doctors or are given doctors. These are the many issues that make up a healthcare policy and the different options it brings mainly focusing on a government healthcare policy or a private healthcare policy. Italy is a country that has a healthcare policy that is a mi... ...fully government run and operated. This is a healthcare system that is provided through the government and paid for through taxation of the United Kingdom citizens. The healthcare system of the United Kingdom is run by National Health Service of the United Kingdom or NHS (Allianz). This is healthcare that is thought to be inexpensive and free in some instances. This British healthcare program covers things as medical treatments, and doctors visits, but requires a fee for drugs, and optical examinations and glasses and also dental treatment (Allianz). In regards to doctors in the United Kingdom healthcare system individuals are not given the choice of their doctor. In the United Kingdom there are both private and state run hospitals. In regards to the hospitals not every hospital provides emergency care services, but ones that do will treat any individual (Allianz).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How the poet expresses His views concerning time in the p�em “Rising Five Essay

The poem â€Å"Rising Five† deals largely with the theme of time and our rather disturbing attitude towards it. We are constantly looking ahead, into the future, seeking the next stage of our lives and failing to enjoy each moment as it comes. The poet seeks to express the importance of living in the present through his use of imagery and structure, which emphasise the dangers of always looking ahead through the seasons of our lives and almost wishing away our time here on Earth. The structure of the poem moves us from the innocent, seemingly trivial outlook of a child to the wider issue of wishing our lives away. The repetition of the word â€Å"rising† to connote almost or nearly there begins to suggest a positive outlook as the small boy is â€Å"rising five† or almost five and this is shown as a childish impatience to grow up and be older than he really is. On the other hand, this phrase is repeated, each time growing further ahead and rushing through time as in â€Å"rising June†, â€Å"rising night† and then finally â€Å"rising dead†. This last line is deliberately shocking and underlines the poet’s concerns that we rush through our lives at too fast a pace and almost run towards death before we have had a chance to live. The language moves from a description of the young boy â€Å"brimful of eyes† with â€Å"toffee-buckled cheeks† at the beginning of his journey through life. His large eyes suggest a wide-eyed innocence and a fresh outlook on life, while the â€Å"toffee-buckled cheeks† is an image which reappears later in the poem with a more serious and threatening tone as the poet describes our attitude to youth â€Å"like a boy throwing away his toffee wrappers†. This simile emphasises the casual way humans desire to be grown up and moving onto the next stage of their lives, throwing away time as if it is rubbish or litter to be wasted. Furthermore, the writer chooses natural imagery to describe the passage of time. The use of rhymes such as â€Å"bubbled and doubled† along side the personification and alliteration of â€Å"buds unbuttoned; shoot and stem shook out the creases†¦Ã¢â‚¬  suggests a sense of joy and excitement as nature literally dresses up in her Spring finery. The irony being that we do not stop to enjoy each season, rather we look forward to the next month, the next stage of the year. The last section of the poem reflects a more sombre tone and the vocabulary becomes increasingly serious and more complex. The imagery of the â€Å"dust dissected tangential light† reflects the poet’s ultimate message of â€Å"new buds pushing the old leaves from the bough†, a metaphor which expresses the human desire for change and perhaps a lack of respect for age and wisdom. Finally the natural imagery is used to express how our hasty attitudes lead us to find only â€Å"the rot in the fruit† where the fruit represents our lives in their negative aspects as they run out and we run out of time. Overall, the poem is concerned with human responses to time and delivers a powerful message that we need to stop rushing ahead, seeking the next experience and the next thrill and start to appreciate the here and now, before it is too late.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Does Mary Shelley Explore Suffering in Frankenstein

How does Shelley portray suffering in â€Å"Frakenstein†? Throughout the novel, suffering of not only an individual but also humanity, remains at the heart of the plot. Many critics today believe that this suffering comes from the troubled and tormented life Shelley had. For example from 1815 to mid 1819, Shelley was to lose the first three of her four children, for which she held herself responsible. Therefore, it could be argued that the monster is the embodiment of Shelley’s suffering and guilt. Suffering in the novel becomes apparent through the narrator, Frankenstein. For example, from a psychoanalyst’s perception ofVictor, his suffering comes from his character. Victor is the very incarnation of the Byronic Hero. He represents a lonely, isolated and self- ­? destructive force vulnerable to his own over- ­? powering emotions of greed and fervid curiosity. This is perfectly depicted in Caspar David Friedrich’s painting (commonly associated with the image of the Byronic hero) â€Å"Wanderer above the sea of fog† whereby a man overlooks an untouched landscape (Byron’s poem The Corsair; â€Å"lone, wild and strange, he stood alike exempt from all affection and all contempt†) with the sole desire to explore and gain victory. This passionately intense nd over- ­? powering desire of knowledge is perfectly depicted in Book IV of Milton’s Paradise Lost ‘Satan’s address to the sun’ (An epic poem heavily influencing Shelley) whereby Satan must suffer for his â€Å"Pride and worse ambition†. It is therefore blatant that Frankenstein’s immense feelings of isolation (Byron; â€Å"That man of loneliness and mystery†) and fervid desire become the sole cause of Frankenstein’s loss of humanity and mental self- ­? destruction (the use of the phrase â€Å"infernal machinations† implying a man so susceptible to his own greed, curiosity and isolation that his o wn mental torment becomes almost an quivalent to Dante’s ‘Inferno’). Therefore, Victor becomes the â€Å"Satan† of this novel. Having had an intense yearning for victory (as his name suggests), he has attempted to assume the position of God, which has only caused mental decline and suffering. Aside from his mental torment, Victor’s physical deterioration mirrors his guilt. Frankenstein has held himself responsible for the deaths of his closest friends and family. For example, in Chapter IV- ­? â€Å"I felt the fiend’s grasp in my neck† a direct link is made to Coleridge’s (a close friend of William Godwin- ­? Shelley’s Father) ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ whereby, fter having shot the albatross (once a symbol of good luck), the course of time has been altered forever; â€Å"With my crossbow I shot the Albatross†. Consequently, the â€Å"[shooting] of the albatross† in this novel comes not f rom Victor’s creation of the monster but infact his crime of denying the monster of love. For example, Rousseau (a philosopher that inspired Shelley) suggested that a child deprived of a loving family becomes a monster. This act of depriving the monster of maternal love (thus, showing men’s incapability of love) caused the monster to kill those closest to Victor. This sparked immense feelings of guilt n Victor â€Å"I was overcome by gloom and misery† linking to Coleridge’s poem (â€Å"And I had done a hellish thing†), which inevitably becomes the cause of his physical decline â€Å"The human frame could not longer support the agonizing suffering that I endured†. It is therefore, through the â€Å"hellish† act of denying the monster of love, that â€Å"The Albatross about [Victor’s] neck was hung† and his supreme guilt lead to his suffering. Victor’s physical deterioration in this novel also confirms the idea of à ¢â‚¬Å"The Double†. As many critics have suggested, the monster is merely a projection of Frankenstein’s innate corruption. It is hence ossible to assume that Frankenstein’s physical suffering and loss of humanity comes from the monster’s increased power thus showing how these two individuals are linked. The idea of such a double is backed up by the fact that the monster kills at moonlight and thus, the moon acts as an illuminating object shining into the heart of Victor only to reveal the monster. Such a theme is present in Stevenson’s â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde† whereby; the suppressed emotions of Dr, Jekyll are projected at night in the ultra- ­? ego of Mr. Hyde. However, a far greater suffering is observed within the monster. The suffering comes withinThe Daemon’s rejection from his creator Frankenstein. The Daemon has lost any parental influence or more importantly, he has failed to achieve his â€Å"father figure†. Con stant desire to be appreciated by a father is a theme in this novel. For example, Frankenstein felt safe and secure in the presence of his father (â€Å"Nothing, at this moment, could have given me greater pleasure than the arrival of my father†) and Shelley herself longed for the appreciation and love from her father (especially after, William Godwin cut off relations to Shelley after her marriage to Percy). However, the monster, much like Adam from ParadiseLost, has failed to be appreciated by Victor (who he views as his father). In Paradise Lost, Adam had a constant desire to please God, but due to the temptation of Eve, he was outcast and rejected. This is similar to the monster, as purely to his appearance, the monster has been denied love from his father thus giving rise to an Oedipus complex. This Oedipus complex (also present in Shakespeare’s Macbeth) is shown through the monster as, when Frankenstein rejects the monster, the monster seemingly denounces him as a father and instead views his mother (possibly, nature) as the only love he will ever receive (â€Å"He was soon orne away by the waves†- ­? last sentence, Page 191). Therefore, this rejection of love from a paternal influence based on the monster’s appearance of â€Å"horror and disgust† (page 39) has lead to a loss of identity within the monster, and thus a mental anguish and suffering (â€Å"who am miserable beyond all living things- ­? page 77). This suffering the monster feels is extended by society’s further rejection of him based on his appearance. The fact that he is even rejected by the DeLaceys is Shelley’s view that everyone, however seemingly perfect, has an innate ability to judge based on appearance. This is why the monster s, at first, welcomed into the house of DeLacey. He is blind and therefore does not possess humanity’s evil ability to judge based on appearance- ­? he therefore is the very quintessence of purity an d kindness at the heart of a judgmental society as he does not possess sight. Shelley therefore attempts to suggest that humanity’s most dangerous quality is sight. This allows The Monster to believe he really is â€Å"a daemon†/ â€Å"wretch†/ â€Å"foul being† and suffers due to it. However, despite the suffering of the individual, this novel seems to address a far greater suffering; the suffering of humanity. Linking once again toMilton’s Paradise Lost, the ‘ultimate sin’ of Eve stealing the forbidden fruit leads to Adam and Eve (the first humans and thus, our ancestors) to be outcast to the wilderness. The suffering of humanity therefore comes from the fact that we, as descendants of Adam and Eve must be held responsible for Adam and Eve’s actions and temptation. Therefore, the human existence is based on the belief that we must continually repent for our ancestor’s sins and leads to the theory that the monster is mer ely the embodiment of God’s vengeance, warning the most corrupt humans who attempt to overcome nature (which is sublime and God- ­? ontrolled) that, God will prevail. This is however a use of irony. Mary Shelley married Percy Shelley 3 years after he was expelled from Oxford for his pamphlet â€Å"The necessity of atheism†. This therefore exposes Shelley’s cynicism of religion, whereas it should be based on glorifying existence, it is in fact, based on the suffering of humanity. Further suffering of humanity is observed through the treatment of sexuality in the novel. When Adam and Eve were cast out into the wilderness in Paradise Lost, they had to commit the ‘original sin’ of sexual reproduction as a means to produce offspring and ensure the survival f humanity. This act therefore undermines God’s power as it shows nature and science cannot be controlled by God (who is allegedly ‘the creator of all’). Therefore, within Victori an society a religiously backed suppression of sexuality meant men could not show any signs of sexual desire and that instead they must be kept secret. This leads to the idea that the monster is infact the depiction of Frankenstein’s sexual desire and that, much like the monster, it is locked away in the human body and allowed to ‘fester’ it will only be more ugly and violent (as shown in Elizabeth’s death and Frankenstein’s destruction of he female monster which seem to almost mirror an aggressive rape). Moreover, this leads to the development of what is more commonly known as â€Å"The Queer Theory†. This entails the idea that Frankenstein has a secretly oppressed homosexual desire which was shunned upon by Victorian society and that the only way to reveal this homo- ­? erotic desire was to create the â€Å"daemon† as a male Adonis â€Å"I selected his features a beautiful† in order to fulfil his suppressed sexuality. Theref ore, humanity suffers as their sexuality is oppressed by society and religion meaning that when it is revealed only more suffering is unleashed.Shelley in this novel also speaks from a seemingly feminist perspective. This may have been inspired by her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft’s book â€Å"A Vindication of the rights of woman† which placed stress on female independence and the importance of female education (women who succumb to sensuality will be â€Å"blown about by every momentary gust of feeling†); which links to the passive and generally ‘pathetic’ description of women in this novel. They’re suffering comes from the fact that Eve, the first woman committed the original sin thus damning society into a world far less sublime than the Garden of Eden. Therefore, Shelley esires show how women are forced into submission and general passiveness as a result of being the gender that committed the original sin. Their passiveness, perfectly depic ted in Elizabeth and Justine, links well to Coventry Patmore’s poem, The Angel in the house. This poem states the power men possess over women and that, to remain included in society, women must remain tacit and pretty so to fulfil the expectations of society. This links to the monster; the monster fails to fulfil society’s expectations of appearance and therefore is outcast. However, this juxtaposes with women as they fulfil society’s expectations and

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Panache essays

Panache essays Bertrand Russell defines wisdom as the awareness of the consequences of application of knowledge while taking into account the ultimate ends of human life. Panache, by W.P. Kinsella displays both the presence of knowledge and wisdom within a small mining camp in Jasper, Alberta. Particularly speaking, while knowledge resides all about the mine, wisdom occurs in a seemingly less likely form. Silas, Frank, and Tom Pony are all Native Americans hired by Cardinal Coal Mines. On their first day of work, the Indian recruits are jeered and given pointless, out of the way jobs. The white mens assumption about the three new guys is that they dont know anything; they lack the knowledge necessary to operate mine equipment such as trucks. Silas describes the mine as reminiscent of Hell, which is an interesting observation because it hints at the ends of life, and therefore we realize that Silas is aware of this and is cautious not to upset the white men who run their lives at the moment. One example of Silass wisdom not to upset the hand that feeds is when he kicks Frank for making fun of the husband of the woman (Gran) that boards and feeds them. Gran also displays wisdom, telling the three men what they need to hear to stay motivated and not give up on the job. She tells Silas, Frank and Tom that the white men are merely not used to them yet, and that they just seem a little st range. It is obvious that Gran is supportive of the well being and it may be implied that she is instrumental in keeping the Mens confidence level up. Finally, Tom Pony shows wisdom in a courageous sacrifice as he prevents a white bullys dump truck from keeling over the edge of a cliff, after the man had tried to previously run Tom over. Tom knew the truck was going, so he lodged his foot behind the wheel and held it long enough to get Gunderson out. He then fell off the cliff with the truck when he c...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Get Into MIT 5 Expert Admissions Tips

How to Get Into MIT 5 Expert Admissions Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the best schools in the world. If you want to be one of the few students accepted into MIT every year, you’ll need to make sure your application is up to snuff. In this article, we’ll break down exactly how to get into MIT, from the test scores you need to the tips and tricks that’ll help your application stand out. How Hard Is It to Get Into MIT? MIT is one of the most selective schools in the world. Currently, MIT’s acceptance rate is 6.7%, which means it only accepts around 7 applicants for every 100 people that apply. A 6.7% acceptance rate means that MIT is extremely competitive to get into. You’ll need excellent grades, test scores, essays, and letters of recommendation to even be considered. What Is MIT Looking for in Its Students? You can learn a lot about what MIT is looking for in its students from the university’s website: "The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, elite but not elitist, inventive and artistic, obsessed with numbers, and welcoming to talented people regardless of where they come from." This statement, while not MIT’s formal mission statement (which is worth reading, too), tells a lot about what MIT is looking for in its applicants. MIT want students who break molds- they’re incredibly intelligent, but they also think outside of the box. Don’t follow everyone else’s path- create your own. MIT students are genuinely excited to learn and innovate. They’re not interested in accolades (though they certainly earn them)- they’re motivated by discovery and intellectual stimulation more than recognition. MIT students don’t fit into any particular profile, except that they’re all highly, highly talented. Can You Apply to MIT Early? MIT allows students to apply early action. That means that you can apply to MIT and receive notification of your acceptance months before other students, but you don’t have to commit to MIT if you’re accepted. MIT’s early application deadline is November 1 and students are notified on December 20. According to the MIT admissions statistics for the Class of 2022, applicants who applied early didn’t have any significant advantage over students who applied at the regular deadline. For both admissions deadlines, students were accepted at a rate of a little less than 7%. That being said, there are other ways to get a leg up on your fellow applicants. MIT admitted around % of applicants who participated in an interview (or had their interview waived) vs 1% of applicants who did not participate in an interview. MIT Application Deadlines and Requirements MIT has its own application. It doesn’t accept the Common Application, Coalition Application or Universal Application. Here are the complete MIT application requirements: MIT requires that all students submit SAT, ACT, or TOEFL scores Freshman applicants must also submit two SAT II Subject Tests: math and science. MIT requires all students submit five short essays as part of their application. MIT requires that all students submit two letters of recommendation. There are no specific coursework requirements for MIT applicants. The MIT Early Action deadline is November 1. Applicants are notified of their status on December 20. The MIT regular admission deadline is January 1. Applicants are notified of their status on March 20. What GPA Do I Need to Get Into MIT? MIT has a 6.7% acceptance rate, so it’s important that your application is as strong as possible to be considered. One of the most important parts of your MIT application is your high school coursework. MIT doesn’t specify a minimum GPA requirement and doesn’t release the average GPA of admitted applicants. That being said, due to the caliber of students accepted at MIT, we can assume that the average GPA is quite high. You should look to get mainly A’s, with a few A-’s or B+’s on your transcript. MIT will also be paying attention to your course load- are you challenging yourself, or are you coasting on easy classes? You should take the most rigorous classes your school offers- whether that’s honors, AP, or IB courses- or even look into taking courses at the local community college to show that you’re not afraid of an academic challenge†¦ and that you can succeed at one, too! What Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into MIT? You don’t just need great grades to get into MIT- you need great test scores, too. What SAT Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into MIT? The average admitted applicant at MIT has a 1520 composite score on the 1600 SAT scale. The average math score is 780. The average reading/writing score is 740. You’ll need to have extremely high SAT scores to be able to get into MIT. Fortunately, MIT uses â€Å"Highest Section† scoring (also known as â€Å"superscoring†). Basically, superscoring means that MIT will consider your highest section scores across all the SAT test dates you submit. MIT’s superscoring policy is good news for applicants- it means that you can prep and retake the score without worrying about hurting your previous scores. What ACT Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into MIT? The average admitted applicant at MIT scores a 34 on the ACT. With so many applicants scoring 34 and above, a lower score won’t be very impressive. Fortunately, MIT also superscores ACT scores for applicants. That means that, if you take the ACT multiple times, MIT will consider the highest score achieved in each section. MIT Application Essays MIT requires that you answer five short essay questions. You’ll need to answer 5 short prompts (none more than 250 words) on various aspects of your life: what you do for fun, what department you’re interested in at MIT, a way that you contribute to your community, a description of your background, and a challenge that you have faced in your life. The MIT essay prompts are designed specifically to get to the heart of what makes you you. Remember, MIT wants applicants that are interesting as people. MIT places a high value on having students with quirks and unique passions, not just high test scores. You’ll submit your five MIT application essays along with an activities list and a self-reported coursework form as Part 2 of your MIT application, regardless of whether you’re applying for the early action deadline or the regular admission deadline. Here are the 2018-19 MIT essay prompts: We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer) Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100 words or fewer) At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words) Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words) Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words) You can learn more about how to ace your MIT essays in our in-depth article on the topic. 5 Tips for Getting Into MIT It’s very difficult to get into MIT, but it’s not impossible. Follow these tips for how to get into MIT by making sure your application stands out from the crowd. #1: Highlight the Unique Aspects of Your Identity We’ve said it already and we’ll say it again: MIT likes unique applicants. They say so on their website! Your essays are an opportunity to highlight the special facets of your personality. If you built a video game about pickles for fun, this is the time to share it! The more unique you are, the better! Your application will stand out even more if you take those interests and apply them to academic pursuits. Show that your academic curiosity intersects with your passions. #2: Put a Lot of Effort Into Your Academics MIT students are high-achievers. To be accepted, you need to be one, too. You should have a strong plan for studying for the SAT or ACT so that you achieve the best score possible. If you’re still in your freshman, sophomore, or junior year of high school, plan to take some advanced classes to up your GPA. You’ll need to be disciplined and work hard to compete with the other applicants. MIT wants students who will succeed on their campus- you need to demonstrate that you’re up to MIT’s academic challenge. #3: Ace Your Essays Your essays are the best opportunity to show off your skills and your unique interests. You should put a lot of effort into every one of the five MIT essays. Don’t wait until the last minute to write your MIT essays- start them with plenty of time so that you can revise and receive feedback. #4: Convince MIT That You’ll Do Something Great With Your Education MIT doesn’t want to admit students who will be content to take their expensive diploma and sit at home doing nothing with it. MIT wants to accept students who are going to accomplish world-changing things, who contribute positively to their communities while in college and help other students accomplish great things as well. The best way to convince MIT that you’ll do this while there? Contribute positively to your community while you’re in high school. Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior. If you show that positive contributions are a part of your modus operandi as a student, MIT will feel confident that you’ll bring that attitude to its campus, too. #5: Hyper-Focus You don’t need to be captain of the football team, the co-chair of the debate team, and the first chair violinist in the school orchestra to get into MIT. Don’t try to be great at every- pick one (or two) activities and pursue it relentlessly. This is called having a spike and helps you stand out more. Don’t aim to be generically good at a lot of things- be hugely, amazingly good at one thing. Instead of trying to lead twenty different committees, pick the one that’s the most special to you and give it everything you have. Put down the football and the debate notecards and focus on violin if that’s what you love. Audition for world-class ensembles, enter competitions, basically just stand out. Don't strive for above average at a lot of things- be excellent at one. Recap: How to Get Into MIT It’s difficult to get into MIT- but not impossible! With hard work and planning, you can hone your application so it stands out from the other thousands of MIT applicants. What’s Next? Starting your MIT application? Check out our in-depth guide on how to apply to MIT. Your MIT essays will help your application stand out. Read our in-depth guide on these five short answer questions to know exactly what to do. (Link coming soon!) Wondering what your chances of getting into an Ivy Leave or Ivy League caliber school is? Check out our complete guide to Ivy League acceptance rates. Want to get into Harvard or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Psychology of Crime Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Psychology of Crime Case Study - Essay Example The Social learning theory was first described by Cornell Montgomery using â€Å"four main stages of imitation† (i.e. close contact, imitation of superiors, understanding of concepts, role model behavior) in the 19th century. This was then expanded further by different sociologists such as Julian Rotter and Albert Bandura and defined the social learning theory and its aspects. Definition for the Social learning theory: â€Å"Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action† (Bandura, 1977). According to the above definition most of the time behavior of a person is determined by the society that he or she is living. People rarely come up with their own behavior by trial and error method and even if they do so it is a time consuming and exhausting activity. Instead they observe the society members and note their successes and failures and considered behaviors which had provided satisfactory outcome for the relevant individual. They acquire new behaviors based on the successful behaviors of the society members. The behavior can be legal or illegal, harmless or harmful or accepted or unaccepted by the society, however shown to have some benefits to the person who engage in acts related to behaviour. Back ground: Bert is a 28 year-old male who has been found guilty and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for a break-in at a motor factory. He had a troubled childhood and family history of crimes and had been engaging in criminal acts such as stealing from age of 14. He had been caught and punished for

Friday, November 1, 2019

What's Your Dangerous Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What's Your Dangerous Idea - Essay Example Most of the thoughts that echo in the modern world are dangerous not only because they are believed to be false, but because they may become true. It is a provocative question to ask â€Å"what is your dangerous idea?† John Brockman edited this anthology of essays from a number of the best thinkers. The edge foundation inspired this effort and it had the consent to endorse inquiry and discussion of literary, artistic, philosophical and intellectual issues and also work with the social and intellectual achievement of society. I will mention several ideas that may evoke dangers in the society, but I will dwell mostly on the issue of religion and science. There are some dangerous ideas that exist in the society. For example reducing the population of the human race globally to approximately one billion and maintaining it at that number. Another dangerous idea is taking the biological yearning of people to play fathers and mothers and redirecting it to responsible stewardship of t he world. These ideas sound quite draconian. Another dangerous idea is imposing taxes on mosques and churches. Another is idea is decriminalizing the use of street drug. None of the esteemed contributors of John Brockman raised anything that seemed risky, perhaps because the risk of such ideas occurs instantly to the person who applies the ideas. Psychiatrist Randolph offers some direction on why those ideas are not being tackled in the book. For example when an individual’s business is attempting to handle a savvy competitor, it may mean that they may have a superior product because they are smarter. David Lykken believes that parents ought to acquire licenses for parenting their children and also act as proof that they are over twenty one years old and married. Jordan Pollack encourages people to embrace that are based on faith. He argues that physics may sing the songs that continuous motion may solve the energy calamity. He also adds that scientists ought to put God on th eir side to revoke the second thermodynamics law. One of the ideas that may turn out to be extremely dangerous is the idea of religion versus science. Religion believes that science tries to destroy it or to eliminate it. Science is also against religion because in science there is nothing like belief in a spirit. Science only gets answers through experiments that produce real results and not things that require belief in something (Coon and John 23). For example scientists have theories that attempt to explain the origin of the universe. Theories like big bang argue that the beginning of the universe came up after the big bang. However, this theory does not make sense at some point in explaining how living things came to exist within the universe. It fails to explain how animals, plants, human race, the skies and other natural occurrences came to existence. Charles Darwin also gives the theory of evolution that attempts to explain how human beings evolved from being primitive to be ing the intelligent modern man. All these science theories have their weaknesses because they fail to convince people at some point. Religion also has its theories of the origin of the universe and the human race. The popular religious explanation of the origin of the universe comes from the Christian Bible. The Bible states that God created everything in the universe with his own hands within seven days. After creating everything in the universe, he made man in his own image and the first man that he made was Adam whom he later created his partner, Eve. This theory also has its weakness because it fails to convince people the origin of God (Coon and John 31). It plainly states that God (whose origin is withheld) came from nowhere and designed the universe. Christians insist that no one

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cyrus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cyrus - Essay Example One of King Cyrus’ servants, after being given one of the singing girls, says that, â€Å"I would far rather be serving on this campaign than sitting at home† (Xenophon, 2010). This quote reveals the servant’s loyalty to King Cyrus. He offers loyalty as an appreciation for being given a singing girl. Loyalty is also seen through trust. People trust unquestionably other individuals who are loyal to them. Cyrus sends for his trusted servant, Araspas, whom they have been friends since childhood. King Cyrus entrusts Araspas with guarding the captive Susian woman, Pantheia the wife of Abradatas his rival. Araspas loyalty is earlier doubted when he says, â€Å"have you seen the lady whom you bid me guard† (Xenophon, 2010). This is because he is not sure to fulfill his master’s will fully as he stumbles by falling prey to the captive’s beauty. Love is voluntary to human will. Therefore, beauty should not be compromised to love, but it should only enhance the process of loving someone. The use of metaphor is observed and is majorly used to expound on beauty. Beauty has been equated to â€Å"fire† while love to flowers. This is because â€Å"fire burns all men equally, it is its nature to do so, but these flowers of beauty, one man loves them and another loves them not, nor does every man love the same† (Xenophon, 2010). In contradiction to this statement, Cyrus reiterates the aspect of slavery in relation to love. He gives an instance of men who vowed to stand against every form of life circumstances to remain strong willed and never falls. However, when love knocks their doors to their souls, they fall and even refuse to let go and acknowledge. Love is eternal to human nature since we are bound forever to whoever we choose to love. Our souls are imprisoned by love the moment we allow it to. Xenophon shows th is through rhetoric where Cyrus asks, â€Å"If love be voluntary, why cannot a man cease to love when they forget, the bigger problems they were able to overcome?†

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What Is System Unit?

What Is System Unit? System unit is a case that contains electronic component of the computer used to process data. The case of the system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is made of metal or plastic and protects the internal electronic components from damage. Explain the electronic components in system unit and its function. Question 2 An operating system (OS) is a set of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer system. Explain the different types of Operating system in market and what the advantages and disadvantages of each Operating system. Q1 Introduction What is system unit? System unit is Box-like case that houses the electronic components of the computer used to process data. System Unit is the core of a computer system, system unit always is rectangular case that houses the electronic components inside the computer. That usually its rectangular box placed on or underneath your desk. Inside the box got many electronic components that process information. The most important part of these components is the central processing unit CPU, or microprocessor, which acts as the brain of your computer. Another component is random access memory (RAM), which temporarily stores information that the CPU uses while the computer is on. The information stored in RAM is erased when the computer is turned off. Almost every other part of your computer connects to the system unit using cables. The cables plug into specific ports, typically on the back of the system unit. Hardware that is not part of the system unit is sometimes called a peripheral devi ce or device. Dual inline package (DIP), which consists of two parallel rows of downward-pointing thin metal feet (pins). Pin grid array (PGA) package, which holds a larger number of pins because the pins are mounted on the surface of the package. Flip chip-PGA (FC-PGA) package, which places chips on the opposite side (flip side) of the pins. Single edge contact, which called as SEC as cartridge, and it allow us to connects to the motherboard on one of its edges in system unit. Function The system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is a box-like case housing the electronic components of a computer that are used to process data. System unit components include the processor, memory module, cards, ports, and connectors. Many of the system units components reside on a circuit board called the motherboard. The motherboard contains many different types of chips, or small pieces of semiconducting material, on which one or more integrated circuits (IC) are etched. An integrated circuit is a microscopic pathway capable of carrying electronic current. Each IC can contain millions of transistors, which act as switches for electronic signals. A system unit is a case that contains electronic components of the computer used to process data. The most common components are inside a system unit are; the processor, ports, drive bays, power supply, memory and adapter cards example; sound card, video card, network card and modern card. The case of the system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is made of metal or plastic and protects the internal electronic components from damage. Motherboard is also a main circuit board in system unit, it contains adaptor cards processor and memory chips, it can be called as system board too or more. What electronic components are found on the motherboard? Chip is also a part of the system units for electrical components. Integrated Circuit (IC) Microscopic pathway capable of carrying electrical current and it also is included include in the motherboard. Transistor Acts as an electronic switch, or gate, that opens or closes the circuit for electronic signals A chip is a small semi-conducting material where integrated circuits can be etched. Chips are packed in a certain way so they can be connected to a circuit board. Integrated circuits have many microscopic pathways, that capable of carrying electric current. Chip available for different kind of it, single edge contact (SEC) cartridge, dual inline package (DIP), flip chip-PGA (FC-PGA) package and pin grid array (PGA) (CPU) Central processing unit; The CPU carries and interprets basic instruction that can operate a computer. The control unit coordinates operations in a computer. Interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. The Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) does arithmetic, comparison and logical operations. This can also be known as the processor and also called the processor. Random access memory (RAM) is one of computer most important part inside a computer because, RAM is a random memory access, one of the memories in our computer and it can be accessed randomly. The byte of the memory in our computer can be access without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is the most common type of memory found in computers and other devices, such as printers. There are two type of RAM one is call Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and the another is Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) this two types of RAM differ in the technology they use to hold data, with DRAM being the more common type. In terms of speed, SRAM is faster. DRAM needs to be refreshed thousands of times per second while SRAM does not need to be refreshed, which is what makes it faster than DRAM. DRAM supports access times of about 60 nanoseconds, SRAM can give access times as low as 10 nanoseconds. Hard disk is also one of the electronic components in system unit. The disk can let you store your computer data. Hard disk holds more data and is faster than floppy disks, and a single hard disk can store more than 100 gigabytes (GB), whereas most floppies have a maximum storage capacity of 1.4 megabytes. Each platter has the same number of tracks, and a track location that cuts across all platters is called a cylinder. For example, a typical 84 megabyte hard disk for a PC might have two platters (four sides) and 1,053 cylinders. In general, hard disks are less portable than floppies, although it is possible to buy removable hard disks. Conclusion As conclusion, system unit is about computer system inside the computer itself and it can be check from the inside if got anything wrong with it, components and processes of a computer system that is used for an everyday activity. Learn about the system inside of a computer and how it runs inside when we see it from the outside. Q2 Introduction Operating system is software that which takes care of technical aspects of a computers operation. Most of the desktop or laptop Pc comes preloaded with Microsoft windows. Macintosh (Apple MAC) computer come preloaded with MAC OS X. Many corporate servers use the Linux or UNIX operating systems. The operating system (OS) is the first thing loaded onto the computer without the operating system, a computer is useless. Some operating systems also provide text editors, compilers, debuggers and a variety of other tools. Since the operating system (OS) is in charge of a computer, all requests to use its resources and devices need to go through the Operating system. Window Microsoft Windows or better known as Windows is a family of operating system developed by Microsoft, using the graphical user interface. Window operating system have evolved from the MS-DOS, an operating system based on text mode and command-line. The first version of Windows, Windows Graphic Environment 1.0 was first introduced on 10 November 1983, but only out of the market in November 1985, which was made to meet the computer needs to display a picture. Microsoft Windows can be developed and can be controlled using the operating system up to 90%. Price of Microsoft Windows can run between $50.00 $150.00 US dollars per each license copy. Microsoft has made several advancements and changes that have made it a much easier to use operating system, and although arguably it may not be the easiest operating system, it is still Easier than Linux. Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it still cannot match the reliabil ity of Linux. Because of the large amount of Microsoft Windows users, there is a much larger selection of available software programs, utilities, and games for Windows. Although Windows does have software programs, utilities, and games for free, the majority of the programs will cost anywhere between $20.00 $200.00and US dollars per copy. Because of the amount of Microsoft Windows users and the broader driver support, Windows has a much larger support for hardware devices and a good majority of hardware manufacturers will support their products in Microsoft Windows. Although Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their operating system, their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks. Microsoft Windows is not open source and the majority of Windows programs are not open source. Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows. Linux Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of a Linux system is the Linux Kernel, an operating system kernel first released October 5, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux system distributions may vary in many details of system operation, configuration, and software package selection. Linux runs on a wide variety of computer hardware, including mobile phones, tablet computers, network routers, televisions, video game consoles, desktop computers, mainframes and supercomputer. Linus is a leading server operating system, and run the 10 fastest supercomputer in the world. In addition, more than 90% of todays supercomputer runs some variant of Linux. The majority of Linux variants are available for free or at a much lower price than Microsoft Windows. Although the majority Linux variants have improved dramatically in ease of use, Windows is still much easier to use for new computer users. The majority of Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted. Linux has a large variety of available software programs, utilities, and games. However, Windows has a much larger selection of available software. Many of the available software programs, utilities, and games available on Linux are freeware or open source. Even such complex programs such as Gimp, OpenOffice, StarOffice, and wine are available for free or at a low cost. Linux companies and hardware manufacturers have made great advancements in hardware support for Linux and today Linux will support most hardware devices. Many of the Linux variants and many Linux programs are open source and enable users to customize or modify the code however they wish to. Although it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all Linux variants, there are vast amounts of available online documentation and help, available books, and support availa ble for Linux. Mac OS Mac OS is a series of graphical user interface-based operating systems developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer systems. Mac OS is credited with popularizing the graphical user interface. The original form of what Apple now calls OS X was the integral and unnamed system software first introduced in 1984 with the original Macintosh, and referred to simply as the System software. Apple deliberately sought to minimize the users conceptual awareness of the operating system: Tasks which required more operating system knowledge on other systems would be accomplished by intuitive mouse gestures and simple graphic controls on a Macintosh, making the system more user-friendly and easily mastered. This would differentiate it from then current systems such as MS-DOS which were more technically challenging to operate. The core of the system software was held in ROM, with updates provided free of charge by Apple dealers (on floppy disk). The users involvement in an upgrade of the operating system was also minimized to running an installer, or simply replacing system files, the simplicity of which again differentiated the product from others. Mac OS is not susceptible to the virus. Designed with security oriented, Mac OS is not plagued by constant attacks from PC viruses and malware. But neither will slow you down with constant security alerts and other interruptions. High performance, especially on Mac OS X with the latest Intel Processors and other innovations, the Mac can do all things that only Macs can do with amazing speed. User friendly, GUI with a very attractive appearance, making the Mac OS as one of the OS are in great demand especially by graphic designers and for those just learning the computer. Mac cannot be assembled because Apple is not giving license to other companies to make hardware that can use the Mac OS. Software on the Mac OS is not so complete. Influence the dominance of Microsoft Windows for years have been very familiar to user s and are reluctant to adapt to the new OS. The same rational is also the reason for the abundance of recent applications to the Windows system requirements. Cost is very expansive. Mostly is only useful for graphic designers. Cannot be used in conjunction. The software is incomplete and not suitable to play the game because it looks less good. Conclusion Every operating system is a successfully creation because it all operating well and keep on developing and update it help human a lot. Nowadays computer is part of our humans, almost everything occurs in our daily life is using computerized. Every different operating system has its own plus and minus points. There was no The Best but only will The Only. Different operating system works well with different people, is all depending on the usage of the people.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Angela’s Ashes was one of the most depressing books I’ve ever read, yet I managed to laugh and cry as I read about Frank McCourt’s childhood entangled in poverty. Frank McCourt managed to provide a captivating narration from a child’s point of view that is heartbreaking, vulgar at times, and humorous on his life of extreme poverty and dealing with his father’s alcoholic problems. This memoir took place during the Depression and World War II, but mainly in Ireland; a country that is revolved around the Catholic Church, high unemployment rates, extreme poverty, and the curse of the Irish: alcohol. Before proceeding, I would like to inform you that I will be discussing some things that might spoil the book, so proceed with caution. Frank was born in depression era New York, to an alcoholic father who spent most of his wages in the pub, and a mother that was disgraced but desperate to take care of her family. The family eventually moved back to Ireland in hopes of a better life, but things got worse. Frank and his family continuously struggled with famine and hunger as his father drift...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Landmarks of the Philippines

1. Lingayen Beach, located in the capital of Pangasinan Province, is a very relaxing place. With it's long shoreline, pristine waters and cool, fine gray sand, it is fast becoming a destination of Manila residents in search of recreation. The province itself has always been famous because this was the landing site of Gen. Douglas McArthur when he returned to the Philippines to liberate Luzon in 1945. Facilities like picnic sheds and bathhouses were put up by the government about 20 meters away from the shoreline.El Puerto Marina offers standard rooms with queen-sized bed, crisp linen sheets and tiled flooring. All the rooms are furnished, hot and cold shower with bathroom products. Each room is equipped with individual cooling systems, television and closet. Facilities like ATVs, swimming pool and jacuzzi are also available. 2. ILOCOS NORTE CAFE BOJEADOR LIGHTHOUSE, Burgos – Built in 1892, the Lighthouse is still in use today. MALACANANG OF THE NORTH, Paoay – Built as t he official residence of President Marcos in Ilocos Norte, overlooking legendary Paoay Lake.This imposingstructure  is now a museum. MARCOS MUSEUM AND MAUSOLEUM, Batac – Located in his  home town  of Batac, the museum showcases the  memorabilia  of President Marcos. His embalmed body is displayed next door. PAOAY CHURCH – Built of coral blocks and stucco plastered bricks, the church is a unique combination of Gothic, Baroqueand Oriental designs. ST. WILLIAM'S CATHEDRAL, Laoag – Built by the Augustinians in Italian Renaissance design in 1612. STA. MONICA CHURCH, Sarrat – Century-old church of Nee-classical and Baroque architect 3.Declared as a National Shrine, it is located in the Municipality of Gregorio Del Pilar. Tirad Pass was the last stand of the Filipino Revolutionary Forces under the command of Genera Emilio Aguinaldo. The Battle of Tirad Pass was led by the youngest Filipino General Gregorio del Pilar. 4. Traveling by land, although coul d take a couple of hours is the main mode of Laoag transportation available to those coming from  the southern  part of the Philippines including Metro Manila. This form of Laoag transportation is frequently used by those coming from the  capital  of the Philippines and Pampanga.Aside from being affordable, the bus ride although long, is comfortable with  air conditioned  buses making at least 2 trips everyday. Choose from big names such as Philippine Rabbit, RCJ Trans, Victory Liner and GV Florida to help one get to Laoag safely. The trip should take 15 hours at most. 5. Region: 1. Ilocos Provinces 1. Illocos Norte 2. Illocos Sur 3. La Union 4. Pangasinan 6. Nueva Vizcaya is the southernmost province of Region 2. It is bounded onthe north  by  Ifugao, on the northeast by  Isabela, on the east by  Quirino, on the south by  Aurora,  Nueva Ecija, and  Pangasinan, and on the west byBenguet.  Also you can read about  History of the Culinary Arts.It is acces sible by land and by air. Coming from  Metro Manila, Nueva Vizcaya can be reached through the Maharlika Highway passing the historic Dalton Pass. Terrain is mountainous with a river valley drained by Magat River, a major tributary of the Cagayan River. This valley is where majority of the people of Nueva Vizcaya live. Climate is of Type III in which seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year 7. Sambali Festival – an honor to our lady of piat The most popular religious festival in Region II (Cagayan Valley) is the Sambali Festival.I Tagalog History: Ang  Pista ng Sambali  ay ipinagdiriwang taun-taon sa Piat, Cagayan mula Hunyo 23 hanggang Hulyo 2 bilang paggunita sa mahimalang birheng imahen ng Piat at ang pagiging Kristiyano ng mgaSambali. Ang pista ay kinabibilangan ng iba't ibang programang nagpapakita ng mayamang kultura ng mga 8. Cagayan Valley  (Lambak ng Cagayan  in  Filipino;  Tana' nak Cagay an  in the Ibanag Language;  Tanap ti Cagayan  in the Ilocano Language) is a  region  of the  Philippines, also designated as  Region II  or  Region 02. It is composed of five  provinces, namely:  Batanes,  Cagayan,  Isabela,  Nueva Vizcaya, and  Quirino.It has three cities; Industrial center-Cauayan City, its regional center-Tuguegarao, and its commercial center-Santiago City. 9. Palanan in Isabela is best known for what historical event? Answer: Aguinaldo Shrine is located in  Palanan,  Isabela, Philippines. The historical place where  Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo  was captured by the American forces, thus ending the Philippine Revolution in 1901. It is accessible by aircraft, pumpboat and trekking thru Sta. Ana, Cagayan, San Mariano/Cauayan and Ilagan, Isabela respectively. 10. Penabalanca is Cagayan Province is the site of what natural tourist attraction?ANSWER: A favorite tourist destination of mine in  Cagayan, is the famous Callao caves in Pen abalanca and I thought this is the fitting final mission for the day. 11. Name at least two World War II Shrine in Region III, and their location? Answer:1. One of the tourist and historic spots is the Shrine of Valor in Bataan. It is constructed in honor of the Filipino soldiers that fought during World War II. 2 The Barasoain Church is as historic as the aforementioned, being the place where the First Philippine Republic was founded in January 23, 1898.It was also the place where the Malolos Congress opened and the first Constitution was created. 12. Both Subic Bay and Clark Special Economic Zone are situated in Region III. What are the main tourist attraction in this zones? Answer: 1, For those who appreciate the game of chance, they can visit the following three casinos: Casino Filipino inside Mimosa Leisure, Casino Fontana, in the Fontana Lei For thrill-seeker, Omni Aviation offers skydiving, aerobatic fun flights or aerial trips to get a fantastic view of Mt. Pinatubo. sure Pa rk, Casa Blanca Casino inside Hotel Stotsenberg. . Zoobic Safari The Subic Bay Freeport Zone hosts a unique theme park where animals roam free. The Zoobic Safari is one of the attractions in the Freeport area. Various exotic animals can be seen within the protected area including tigers, which are some sort of a main attraction here. Safari rates are quite cheap, which is less than P500. Covering 15 hectares, this sanctuary and preserve is divided into several sections. The Petting Zoo runs through the forest and you can get up close and personal with deer, goats, bearcats, horses, and more.The Serpentarium contains a wide variety of snakes, and there is also a nearby pond housing some crocodiles. 13. What is the best known Eco-tourism destination in Region III? Why? Answer: MT. PINATUBO Location: Botolan, Zambales Mt. Pinatubo is an active volcano located on the island of Luzon at the intersection of the borders of the provinces of Zambales, Tarlac, and Pampanga. The volcanoâ€℠¢s eruption in June 1991 came after 500 years of dormancy, and produced one of the largest and most violent eruptions of the 20th century. Before 1991, the mountain was inconspicuous and heavily eroded.It was covered in dense forest which supported a population of several thousand indigenous people called Aetas, who fled to the mountains from the lowlands when the Spain conquered the Philippines in 1565. 14. After the fall of Corregidor island to the Japanese imperial forces, the â€Å"Death March† took the place. Where did it start and where did it end? Answer: From San Fernando, the prisoners were transported by rail to Capas 15. Name of the province that make up Region III. Answer: †¢ Aurora †¢ Bataan †¢ Bulacan †¢ Nueva Ecija †¢ Cabanatuan †¢ Palayan †¢ San Jose †¢ Pampanga †¢ Angeles †¢ San Fernando Tarlac †¢ Zambales †¢ Olongapo 16. Name the two most popular beach destination in Mindoro island, and hot to get t here? Answer: White Beach This is the beach where you will find the webmaster during his visits to the Philippines. White Beach is located west of San Isidro and is one of the better stretches of sand, offering inexpensive accommodation. There are rows of small resorts, with tropical style restaurants and bars opening to the beach. Some entertainment and during Holy Week concerts are held on the beach. Sabang Beach Want to party the night away? Then bustling Sabang Beach is for you.Actually, it's a very short strip of rocky beach, plus a maze of narrow side streets crammed with tourist inns and for rent cottages. It's a lively area with a few go-go bars, a disco, an open air karaoke joint, and the usual beer gardens. HOW TO GET THERE Public Transport This is certainly the cheapest option if you are a seasoned traveler. However, it is not convenient or easy if you have too much luggage. Carry only the bare essentials needed for your stay in Puerto Galera. Most hotels have luggage sec urity facilities for travelers wishing to leave excess luggage.Also, beware of pick-pockets on public buses and ferries, they are very experienced in their trade and ussually operate in teams. Regular BLTB, JAM and Tritran airconditioned buses depart from the major bus terminals in Pasay City near Manila Airport to bring you to Batangas Port. Depending on traffic conditions the trip will take approximately 3 hours and the fare is approximately P100 per person one way. Once in Batangas Port proceed to the air conditioned Terminal (P10 entry fee) to board one of the following ferries: 17. Name province of Bulacan is rich in history.Name the two historical sites in the province and their location. Answer: BARASOAIN CHURCH, Malolos – One of the leading historical spots in  the nation. The seat of he tshod-lived Philippine Republic and the site of the Malolos Congress in 1898. BIAK-NA-BATO, San Miguel – A huge split boulder, which was the mountain hideout of the Revolutio nary Forces and the place where the Malolos Constitution was signed. 18. Corregidor Island is a major tourist destination. Name tree levels of sites in the island included sightseeing tour Answer: Malinta TunnelThe highlight of the visit would be the 30-minute  Lights and Sound Show  at the tunnel, which chronicles the significance of the place when it served as the center of American operations during the World War II. Former Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon and Vice-President Sergio Osmena tost atiok their oath on December 30, 1941 under this hideaway to begin their second term in office. This passage was converted into a hospital, arsenal, and fuel reservoir, where thousands of Filipino, American and Japanese soldiers died. The Lights and Sound Show is shown once in the afternoon. 9. Name three (3) emerging tourist attraction in Rizal Province. What makes this attractive this attractive to visitors? Answer: Tourist Attraction Rizal boasts of several tourist attractions l ike Daranak and Batlag Falls, Villa Virginia Resort and Conference Center, Hinulugang Taktak National Park, Boso-Boso Ruin Church, Baras Church, Antipolo Cathedral, And Kalbaryo, Manansala Landmark and other galleries. It is also rich in cultural heritage. Various cultural plays, enactments and dances are held throughout the year to commemorate certain occasions.The town fiestas are celebrated during the birth of patron saints of the different municipalities. Perhaps the most outstanding point of its heritage is in the field of the arts created by many distinguished artists. Some are world renowned and already proclaimed national artists. Thus, the title, â€Å"Crade of Philippine Art†. 20. What provinces make up region IV? Answer : Region IV-A: CALABARZON †¢ Batangas †¢ Batangas City †¢ Lipa †¢ Cavite †¢ Cavite City †¢ Tagaytay †¢ Tres Martires †¢ Laguna †¢ San Pablo †¢ Quezon Rizal Region IV-B: MIMAROPA †¢ Marinduque â € ¢ Mindoro Occidental †¢ Mindoro Oriental †¢ Palawan †¢ Puerto Princesa 1. Name the island- provinces of region IV. Answer: its  provinces, which are:  Occidental Mindoro,  Oriental Mindoro,  Marinduque,  Romblon  and  Palawan. 22. State all the information you know about Enchanted Kingdom. Answer: Enchanted Kingdom  is a  theme park  in the  Philippines. It is located in  Santa Rosa City,  Laguna, about 29 kilometers (18  mi) from  Manila. It has a land area of 17  hectares  (41  acres). The park is managed and operated by Enchanted Kingdom Inc. , formerly named Amtrust Leisure Corporation. Enchanted Kingdom is a member of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.History The park was conceptualized by the  Landmark Entertainment Group  and modeled after  Knott's Berry Farm. It was built at a cost of P1. 2-billion. The park first opened on July 28, 1995. Location The park is located at RSBS Blvd. , S an Lorenzo South, Balibago,  Santa Rosa City,  Laguna,  Philippines  . Park zones Victoria Park The  Victoria Park  is inspired by the  era of Queen Victoria's rule and displays it in elegance. There are entertainers and mascots in this area of the park and, most notably, one of the entertainers found is Eldar, the mascot of Enchanted Kingdom AttractionsGrand Carousel –  Carousel Merchandise Grand Era Gifts Parkside Sweets & Culinary Delights Stroller/Locker Rental Victoria Scrap Book Souvenirs Portabello Portabello  is a replica of  Portabello, a place in  Panama  in the Caribbean Sea where the riches of the  Incas  were shipped by the Spaniards. It features treasures hidden by the Spanish sailors. Portabello hosts the Rio Grande — the largest attraction found in the park. Other attractions in Enchanted Kingdom’s Portabello are the Flying Fiesta, giant  swing ride, Xtreme Paintball, Portabello Show, and 4D Discovery Theater. Attrac tions D Discovery Theater –  4-D film  Theater Flying Fiesta –  Wave Swinger Rio Grande Rapids –  River rafting ride Shake, Rattle and Roll: The Experience!!! (SRR:X!!! ) –  Haunted attraction Xtreme Paintball Merchandise Discovery Photo Enchanted Kingdom Cafe Stir Fried Rice Purefoods TJ Hotdog Kiosk Treasure Island Gift and Rio Grande Photo Boulderville Boulderville  has a prehistoric theme with dinosaurs as main characters. There are rides that are designed for children, two examples are Petreefied House and Rock Quarry. Puppet shows and dinosaur mascots are mostly found in this area.Attractions Air Pterodactyl Boulderville Express –  train ride Bumbling Boulders –  teacups Dinosoarus Petreefied House Stone Eggs –  kiddie Ferris wheel Triassic Tag Rock Quarry Merchandise Ice Age Ice Cream Purefoods TJ Hotdog Kiosk Stone Age Souvenirs Midway Boardwalk The  Midway Boardwalk  is colorful and carefree zone inspire d by in  Coney Island, known as â€Å"America's Playground† in the 1930s. There are other attractions found around the place, mostly including  mimes,  clowns  and  jugglers. Attractions Anchors Away –  pirate ship ride Bump N' Splash Dodgem –  bumper carsEKstreme Tower Ride –  drop tower Midway Games Roller Skater –  mini roller coaster Steeplechase Arcade –  arcade game Up, Up and Away –  balloon ride Wheel of Fate –  Ferris wheel Merchandise Feltman's Harry Houdini's Magic Shop Henna Tattoo & Face Painting Purefoods TJ Hotdog Kiosk Sips Ahoy Stir Fried Rice Brooklyn Place Brooklyn Place  is a theater and shopping zone designed after 1940s  Brooklyn,  New York  where slapstick comedies and silent movies are reminisced. Attractions Broadway and Brooklyn shows Funhouse Express Parade at the Cobblestone street Rialto –  Simulator RideMerchandise Soda Fountain Five N' Dime Emporium Spacepo rt The  Spaceport  is inspired by sci-fi films and the  NASA  space program of the 1960s. Notably, an 11-story ride, Space Shuttle, stands out in the park, it is the first roller-coaster in the Philippines. Attractions Bandstand Eldar's Tent Exodus: The ATV Ride –  All-terrain vehicle  Adventure Trail Kart Trak –  Kart racing Jr. Kart Trak –  Kiddie Kart racing Jr. ATV Launch Time Space Shuttle Max  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Vekoma  Boomerang roller coaster supsup Merchandise Galactic Treats Pizza Hut Pop Noggins Wizard's Delight Ice CreamJungle Outpost The  Jungle Outpost  offers a jungle adventure. It was designed after the  Amazon jungle. There is a calm ride, Swan Lake, and some other rides like the Jungle Log Jam, a Log Flume attraction that slides rapidly from a tall slide. Attractions Amazon Hoops Jungle Log Jam –  Log flumes Swan Lake Safari Shoot Out Tropics Trading Post Merchandise Amazon Grill Amazon Rice Meals Burgers Jungle BBQ Kiosk Jungle Photo Purefoods TJ Hotdog Kiosk Tacos (Mexican Outlet) EK Biki Waterworld EK BiKi Waterworld  is a first world-class inflatable water park in the  Philippines.It has a variety of six giant  inflatable  swimming pools  with  water slides, games and rides that is a safe and hygienic water environment. Other Attractions Fireworks Display The park features spectacular  fireworks  display during weekends and  Philippine Holidays. Incidents Space Shuttle† ride On December 12, 2007, 5:30  p. m. , many riders hung mid-air when the â€Å"Space Shuttle†Ã‚  roller coaster  ride stalled on the ride's boomerang (cobra roll element). Rescuers arrived and assisted the 25 passengers – mostly students – and brought them down to the ground. The ride first stalled on June 19, 2004 with 25 people on board. 1]  A  Meralco  crane arrived and 25 trapped students (from the  University of Batangas  in  Batangas City, Holy Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic School in  Binan, Laguna  and Felizardo Lipana National High School in  Guiguinto, Bulacan) were rescued safely and brought to St. James Hospital in  Sta. Rosa City  for treatment of possible injuries. [2]  The shuttle reopened on December 25, 2007, but closed for renovations until the fourth quarter 2009. [3]  It was renamed as Space Shuttle Max in its opening, sporting a new train and coaches from  Holland. [4] Exodus† rideOn January 4, 2008, a 21-year-old woman suffered a broken leg after she rode â€Å"Exodus†. The accident took her 2 months to walk, as the management apologized but stated that it will not pay for any damages. As the result, the exodus ride was closed to the public, but the ride was reopened as of May 2, 2009 Trivia The name of their mascot is â€Å"Eldar† The theme park is also a setting of previous  GMA Network  primetime programs:  Ako si Kim Samsoon,  Ã‚  and  Stairway to Heaven. The theme par k is used for  QTV  Children shows: Kids on Q and Q-Lets & Co. The park is holding â€Å"Asian Sky Wizardry Fireworks Competition† yearly every October.The Champion in the 2nd Asian sky Wizardry is  Singapore. The park in an episode was also featured on  Pepito Manaloto  on GMA where Pepito's best friend celebrated his birthday there. Platinum Fireworks is their official distributor of  Fireworks Last October 22, 2011 they launched their brand new jingle † I love EK! † 23. Draw a map of northern Palawan and point- out the general location of calauit Island. El Nido and Aman Pulo Answer: 24. What do you know about Taal volcano, Taal Lake Taal town? Answer: Taal Volcano is recognized as the  smallest active volcano  in the world.The volcano can be found in the interior part of Taal Lake, and 70 kilometers south of Metro Manila. It is distinctive because of the fact that the volcano itself forms a landmass that has a lake inside its crater, and known as the â€Å"Crater Lake†. The Crater Lake’s water has a diluted form of sulfuric acid with extreme absorption of aluminum, boron, magnesium and sodium in salt structure. The volcano can be best viewed in  Tagaytay City  because of its high altitude. The lakeshore towns of San Nicholas, Agoncillo and Talisay are places in Batangas you can have a closer view, and actually take you to the top of the crater.Taal Lake  is the third largest lake in the Philippines. A waterway calledPansipit River  connects the lake thru  Balayan Bay  and is considered to be very rich in natural resources and different kinds of marine species that thrives in the river. A delicacy in the town of Taal, one would surely love and yearn for is Tapang Taal. One cannot say that he/she has been in Taal, Batangas if you haven’t tried the most sought-after food in a town popular for its heritage. 25. What major tourist attraction can be accessed through Puerto princesa? Answer:Puert o Princesa Subterranean River National Park Among the top 5 tourist spots in Puerto Princesa Philippines is the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. Explore the Underground River that winds through banks lined with trees and a stunning cave. End up in a beach where monitor lizards and monkeys live, close to the cave. The Subterranean River National Park, which is a mountain-to-sea ecosystem, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. If you want to be detached from the rest of the world and be in a place that feels like paradise, head over to this famous national park. 6. What is the tourist attraction are situated near Legaspi City? Marvel at Mt. Mayon and Zipline on Lignon Hill Lignon Hill is that hill that obstructs the perfect view of Mt. mayon when you get off your plane at the Legaspi Airport. A visit to Lignon Hill is often part of Legaspi City Tour package. But for those who are DIYers, there are two ways to get  to the view deck on top of Lignon Hill. After visiti ng the Japanese Tunnel, you can either decide to hoof it, a good 20min walk uphill or take the habal-habal waiting at the foothill.As of last March 2011, the quoted price for habal-habal rental is P200/RT. Each habal-habal can accommodate 2 persons. There is actually a shorter way up, this will save you a lot of time and it's a cooler way to get to the view deck. BUT it's a little riskier and trickier. 🙂 As you walk up the hill you will see a set of wooden stairs (looks rickety) on the right side of the road. You can take this up and you will find a well trodden path leading through a little. 27. Whar are the gateway to region V? which airline service these –