Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fast Food Advertising Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fast Food Advertising - Research Paper Example This essay "Fast Food Advertising" outlines the negative impact of this kind of commercial on the society and especially kids. Advertisement of fast foods in the media is to blame for the increase in childhood obesity in the current society because most of the children tend to have a desire of trying every fast food that they find being advertised without noticing that the effects of the same foods can be negative to their health and their future. There exists a relationship in children eating habits, food children observe being advertised and the choices of food that they also have and this has been observed in our current society. These bad eating habits of fast foods, which are influenced through foods being advertised, have led to increment of obesity among the children. Recent studies clearly indicate that the number of hours children spend watching tends to affect their eating habits, as well as the type of foods they consume. These studies revealed that the children who spent most of their time watching and paying attention to adverts on foods, tend to eat more fast foods. Considering children like and curious of being introduced to new things in their surrounding the moment a new advertisement is set for them, they make their friends understand that they have seen the advert, and are ready to try the new type of fast food in the market. Because parents always work hard to ensure their children have everything at their comfort they result to buying them the foods that they propose to them, which are usually fast foods.

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