Monday, December 9, 2019

Joyce Carol Oates Analysis Of His Short free essay sample

Joyce Carol Oates: Analysis Of His Short Story Essay, Research Paper ? Did Connie Bring Arnold? s Actions Upon Herself? ? Her bosom was about excessively large for her thorax and its pumping made perspiration interruption out all over her? ( 105 ) . Joyce Carol Oates places the reader in an unwanted state of affairs in ? Where are you traveling, Where have you been? ? . This state of affairs is a immature miss being wickedly seduced and raped. Although Connie is immature and beautiful, her two contrasting personalities and actions put her in a place of fright and daze as Arnold Friend, takes her to a personal life snake pit. The chief struggle of the narrative is between Arnold Friend and Connie. The writer brings the audience into the struggle when Arnold? s gold bus pulls into Connie? s private road ( 15 ) . Oates so takes us to Arnold? s chief aim? acquiring Connie outside? ( 20 ) . As Connie and Friend acquire more involved in their statements, the narrative builds up to a boiling point. The flood tide of the narrative is when Connie puts down the phone and gives into Arnold. Friend, with all of his evil appeal, leads Connie closer to him in her indecisiveness ( 145 ) . Friend has now taken over Connie? s ideas. He additions control of her head and takes advantage of her immatureness by scoring her to come outside and viciously ravishing her. Arnold, holding gotten what he wants, brings the narrative to a declaration when Connie enters a mystical land where she has neer been. Now, Connie is left entirely in her life snake pit that Arnold has created. Friends misrepresentation leaves Connie experiencing absolutely entirely and incapable of sing any emotions. Oates portrays Connie as a immature and beautiful miss. Connie loved to look at herself. Her female parent ever criticized this and seemed to prefer her older, more reliable sister. Connie? s beauty and adolescence are one of the major helpers to Arnold? s behavior. A 2nd feature that brings the struggle of the narrative to her is Connie? s different personalities. She has two different ways of transporting herself? place? and ? anyplace else? . Her? place? personality is a more conservative, unsociable, and acceptable of a immature lady. However, her? anyplace else? personality brings about many R / gt ; alterations non merely in behaviour but besides in visual aspect. She could be seen as broad, sociable, and wild immature miss who is unfastened to new things ( 5 ) . Oates points out a 3rd trait. This trait is seeable through Connie? s actions. Her behaviour is reversible along with every thing else about her. Her actions in the first of the narrative, where she teases the male childs and entices them ( 5 ) , play a crisp contrast to her frightened actions at the terminal when the male child is luring her ( 110 ) . Connie exemplifies most immature misss in her actions. She likes to badger the immature work forces, but doesn? t understand the reverberations her actions will convey approximately. The writer takes the topic of a vulnerable immature miss and interweaves it with the subject of? good vs. immorality? . Connie is described as immature and immature ; nevertheless, Arnold is described as older and wiser. The subject is farther developed in the manner Arnold tempts Connie to come outdoors. A comparing can be drawn to Satan? s tempting of Jesus Christ such as: the show of his cognition, doing promises, and offering unrealistic wagess. This highlights the authoritative? good vs. evil? conflict. Nevertheless, Connie is much more susceptible than Jesus, and resignations to Arnold by traveling outside. Connie doesn? T want to travel but feels she has no other pick. Joyce Carol Oates leaves a acrimonious gustatory sensation in her audience? s oral cavity at the terminal of the narrative. Through Oates description of Connie? s features she shows how Connie had to populate with the consequence of her workss. Oates feels that unfairness has been done yet proves her point of immature misss opening themselves to these actions with their ain actions. She intends to go forth the injustice unpunished so her audience feels merely a little portion of what Connie felt. Connie didn? T want or merit the offense that was done to her. In the terminal Connie realized the artlessness she had been seeking to get away was now gone. Although the loss of her artlessness didn? t happen in a manner she had dreamed of it was gone and she was ? taken up merely the same by the huge sunlit ranges of the land behind him and on all sides of him, so much land that Connie had neer seen before and did non acknowledge except to cognize that she was traveling to it? ( 160 ) . ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;

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