Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bayesian Learning Essay examples - 1308 Words

BAYESIAN LEARNING Abstract Uncertainty has presented a difficult obstacle in artificial intelligence. Bayesian learning outlines a mathematically solid method for dealing with uncertainty based upon Bayes Theorem. The theory establishes a means for calculating the probability an event will occur in the future given some evidence based upon prior occurrences of the event and the posterior probability that the evidence will predict the event. Its use in artificial intelligence has been met with success in a number of research areas and applications including the development of cognitive models and neural networks. At the same time, the theory has been criticized for being philosophically unrealistic and logistically inefficient.†¦show more content†¦They allow intelligent systems flexibility and a logical way to update their database of knowledge. The appeal of probability theories in AI lies in the way they express the qualitative relationship among beliefs and can process these relationships to draw c onclusions (Pearl, 1988). One of the most formalized probabilistic theories used in AI relates to Bayes theorem. Bayesian methods have been used for a variety of AI applications across many disciplines including cognitive modeling, medical diagnosis, learning causal networks, and finance. Two years after his death, in 1763, Rev. Thomas Bayes Essay Toward solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances was published. Bayes is regarded as the first to use probability inductively and established a mathematical basis for probability inference which he outlined in this now famous paper. The idea behind Bayes method is simple; the probability that an event will occur in future trials can be calculated from the frequency with which it has occurred in prior trails. Lets consider some everyday knowledge to outline Bayes rule: where theres smoke, theres fire. We use this everyday cliche to suggest cause and effect. But how are such relationships learned in and from everyday experience? Conditional probability provides a way to estimate the likelihood of some outcome given a particular situation. Bayes theorem further refines this idea by incorporatingShow MoreRelatedResearch Statement : Texas A M University1438 Words   |  6 Pagesto inverse problems, transport based filtering, graphical models and online learning. My research projects are motivated by many real-world problems in engineering and life sciences. I have collaborated with researchers in engineering and bio-sciences on developing rigorous uncertainty quantification methods within Bayesian framework for computationally intensive problems. 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