Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bayesian Learning Essay examples - 1308 Words

BAYESIAN LEARNING Abstract Uncertainty has presented a difficult obstacle in artificial intelligence. Bayesian learning outlines a mathematically solid method for dealing with uncertainty based upon Bayes Theorem. The theory establishes a means for calculating the probability an event will occur in the future given some evidence based upon prior occurrences of the event and the posterior probability that the evidence will predict the event. Its use in artificial intelligence has been met with success in a number of research areas and applications including the development of cognitive models and neural networks. At the same time, the theory has been criticized for being philosophically unrealistic and logistically inefficient.†¦show more content†¦They allow intelligent systems flexibility and a logical way to update their database of knowledge. The appeal of probability theories in AI lies in the way they express the qualitative relationship among beliefs and can process these relationships to draw c onclusions (Pearl, 1988). One of the most formalized probabilistic theories used in AI relates to Bayes theorem. Bayesian methods have been used for a variety of AI applications across many disciplines including cognitive modeling, medical diagnosis, learning causal networks, and finance. Two years after his death, in 1763, Rev. Thomas Bayes Essay Toward solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances was published. Bayes is regarded as the first to use probability inductively and established a mathematical basis for probability inference which he outlined in this now famous paper. The idea behind Bayes method is simple; the probability that an event will occur in future trials can be calculated from the frequency with which it has occurred in prior trails. Lets consider some everyday knowledge to outline Bayes rule: where theres smoke, theres fire. We use this everyday cliche to suggest cause and effect. But how are such relationships learned in and from everyday experience? Conditional probability provides a way to estimate the likelihood of some outcome given a particular situation. Bayes theorem further refines this idea by incorporatingShow MoreRelatedResearch Statement : Texas A M University1438 Words   |  6 Pagesto inverse problems, transport based filtering, graphical models and online learning. My research projects are motivated by many real-world problems in engineering and life sciences. I have collaborated with researchers in engineering and bio-sciences on developing rigorous uncertainty quantification methods within Bayesian framework for computationally intensive problems. 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In this paper, we build up a novel progressive Bayesian model, called Relational Collaborative Topic Regression (RCTR), to join thing relations for suggestion. The principle commitments of RCTR are laid out. II. Foundation: In this area, we give a brief presentation about the back-ground of RCTR, includingRead MoreMethodology of the Naà ¯ve Bayes Algorithm. Essay1534 Words   |  7 Pagesthe presence of many other words. To make our life easier, we make an assumption that all occurrences are independent of each other (thus the model is called â€Å"naive†). The entire Naà ¯ve Bayess rule without the â€Å"independence† assumption is called â€Å"Bayesian Network†. We do not intend to go into that in this project. Bayess rule for multiple evidences: P (E1, E2... En | H) x P (H) P (H | E1, E2... En) = _____________________ P (E1, E2... En) With the assumption of independence, we can rephrase

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Transcendentalism In Walt Whitmans A Song Of Myself

The school of thought that is transcendentalism is best explained as the idea that everything is connected. America, as a country, represents the philosophy of Transcendentalism. This is best exemplified in the writing of Walt Whitman. In his poem, â€Å"A Song of Myself†, Whitman truly heralded a new brand of American exceptionalism. He championed the individual and created a work that exemplified the common man as the pillar of the American dream. Yet he also explained that Americans are what make up the county and the culture. The country could not be as great as it is without the people it contains and the incredibly resilient spirit that is present throughout every American inhabitant. In the fifteenth stanza of â€Å"A Song of Myself†,†¦show more content†¦The ability of nature is just as â€Å"astonishing† as the ability of man and they are connected. Whitman could not have written the words of â€Å"A Song of Myself† without the incredible feats of nature just as the actions of nature could not be admired as feats without men like Whitman and the transcending appreciation of nature in American culture. Whitman’s definition of transcendentalism also seems to include multiple facets of the self. â€Å"I am large, I contain multitudes.† (1066 Textbook) This idea is incredibly supportive of the idea of the American dream. America was conceived with a promise that anyone and everyone can be successful and follow their dreams. Whitman is aware that throughout â€Å"A Song of Myself†, there seem to be contradictions. But they are arguably not contradictions at all. Rather they are an example of how America can be a land of opportunity for people as no one should be defined in one way. This is especially exemplified in lines 344-348 in the poem as the speaker lists careers that seem to be opposite of each other, like both a teacher and a learner or a prisoner and a lawyer. Yet these short lines prove Whitman’s belief in the American dream and one’s freedom to pursue it at any stage in life. In the transcendentalist America, one is capable of being anythin g they want to be as they contain the abilities of their entire country and maybeShow MoreRelatedWalt Whitmans Influences1411 Words   |  6 PagesWalt Whitman’s influence to American Literary History After the Civil War, Walt Whitman realized that the American people were in need of their own identity. Therefore, he wrote the book â€Å"Leaves of Grass† with the goal of creating a literature piece that was authentic and organic to the United States in every sense. Whitman introduced to literature the idea of the â€Å"American Dream† and highlighted how important it was for the American people to develop their own identity. Consequently, he rejectedRead More walt whitman Essay1383 Words   |  6 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Walt Whitman nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Walt Whitman was a follower of the two Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. He believed in Emerson and Thoreau’s Trascendentalist beliefs. Whitman believed that individualism stems from listening to one’s inner voice and that one’s life is guided by one’s intuition. The Transcendentalist centered on the divinity of each individual; but this divinity could be self-discoveredRead MoreWalt Whitman s Song Of Myself1191 Words   |  5 Pages Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself† Walt Whitman was an American poet born in May 31, 1819 in New York, and he died in March 26, 1892 in New Jersey. He grew up going to school in separate facilities from people of color, so he was growing up along with the nation. He was self-taught by exploring things for himself, for example, going to the museums when he could. Whitman as a young boy alternated from being in the city to being in the countryside with his grandparents. He was exposed to be beingRead MoreAnalysis Of Song Of Myself By Walt Whitman1451 Words   |  6 Pagesthe philosophy of transcendentalism. Addressing the primary focus of transcendentalism - the search for self-wisdom, discovery and betterment – is the ground-breaking poet, Walt Whitman. In his poetry, Whitman explores the surreal and cosmic, relating the supernatural to the mundane .With an emphasis on oneness with nature, Whitman’s celebratory attitude of the human soul in all of its complexity, beauty, and contradictions is most not ed in his extensive poem titled â€Å"Song of Myself†, and is developedRead MoreThemes Of Individualism And Carpe Diem Developed From The Transcendentalist Movement898 Words   |  4 Pages Walt Whitman, a poet, celebrated himself and his connection with the world by writing â€Å"Song of Myself† in 1855. â€Å"Throughout the poem, Whitman probes the question of how large the new democratic self can become before it dissipates into contradiction and fragmentation, and each time he seems to reach the limit, he dilates even more† (Forsythe). The poem shaped the idea of what it meant to be an American, by bringing citizens together. It also foreshadowed the Civil War, which began in 1961. In â€Å"SongRead MorePeace Through Self Reliance And Carpe Diem923 Words   |  4 PagesPeace Through Self-Reliance and Carpe Diem Walt Whitman, a democratic poet, celebrated himself and his connection with the world by writing â€Å"Song of Myself† in 1855. According to Eric Forsythe, â€Å"Throughout the poem, Whitman probes the question of how large the new democratic self can become before it dissipates into contradiction and fragmentation, and each time he seems to reach the limit, he dilates even more† (Forsythe). The poem shaped the idea of what it meant to be an American, by bringingRead MoreAmerican Romanticism : An Important Time For Poetry And Its Development974 Words   |  4 Pagesthat touched on themes of the American romanticism was Walt Whitman, in his poem â€Å"Song of Myself†. He also promotes individualism, but also touches on unity unlike Emerson. Both poets were very well known for their time. The themes intertwined into a poet’s poem’s tell a lot about their life and what they were trying to convey. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American poet in the 1800’s who led the transcendentalist movement. Transcendentalism is group of people who came together because they all believedRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Whitman s What Came First The Chicken Or The Egg? 1739 Words   |  7 PagesTaylor Fink Professor Jonathan Cook English 231 10 July 2015 Emerson Vs. Whitman and Their Influence on Each Other When talking about Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman a similar question of â€Å"What came first the chicken or the egg?† comes to mind. Scholars may argue that without Emerson and his influential sermons and speeches that Walt Whitman would have never found his voice, but how can someone who so many consider one of the greatest poets of all time cease to exist? Ralph Waldo Emerson knewRead MoreWalt Whitman: An Omnisexual Poet2586 Words   |  11 Pages The homosexual themes displayed in Walt Whitman’s works, especially in his most famous collection of poems Leaves of Grass, raise the question of his own sexuality. Many of his poems depicted affection and sexuality in a simple, personal manner, causing nineteenth century Americans to view them as pornographic and obscene. Based on this poetry, Whitman is usually assumed to be homosexual, or at least bisexual. However, this assumption does not account for major influences of his writing suchRead MoreWalt Whitman And Allen Ginsbergs Poetry1332 Words   |  6 Pagesyour inner moonlight; don t hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don t care who s listening.† Walt Whitman was a brilliant writer of his time, a writer that created a voice for the masses to no longer be a mass, but an individual. He was truly a pioneer of his generation, a revolutionary in thought, and this is not his quote. Due to his paralleled lifestyle to Walt Whitman, Allen Ginsberg learned and drew inspiration from such works as â€Å"Leaves of Grass† to apply towards his own

Monday, December 9, 2019

Joyce Carol Oates Analysis Of His Short free essay sample

Joyce Carol Oates: Analysis Of His Short Story Essay, Research Paper ? Did Connie Bring Arnold? s Actions Upon Herself? ? Her bosom was about excessively large for her thorax and its pumping made perspiration interruption out all over her? ( 105 ) . Joyce Carol Oates places the reader in an unwanted state of affairs in ? Where are you traveling, Where have you been? ? . This state of affairs is a immature miss being wickedly seduced and raped. Although Connie is immature and beautiful, her two contrasting personalities and actions put her in a place of fright and daze as Arnold Friend, takes her to a personal life snake pit. The chief struggle of the narrative is between Arnold Friend and Connie. The writer brings the audience into the struggle when Arnold? s gold bus pulls into Connie? s private road ( 15 ) . Oates so takes us to Arnold? s chief aim? acquiring Connie outside? ( 20 ) . As Connie and Friend acquire more involved in their statements, the narrative builds up to a boiling point. The flood tide of the narrative is when Connie puts down the phone and gives into Arnold. Friend, with all of his evil appeal, leads Connie closer to him in her indecisiveness ( 145 ) . Friend has now taken over Connie? s ideas. He additions control of her head and takes advantage of her immatureness by scoring her to come outside and viciously ravishing her. Arnold, holding gotten what he wants, brings the narrative to a declaration when Connie enters a mystical land where she has neer been. Now, Connie is left entirely in her life snake pit that Arnold has created. Friends misrepresentation leaves Connie experiencing absolutely entirely and incapable of sing any emotions. Oates portrays Connie as a immature and beautiful miss. Connie loved to look at herself. Her female parent ever criticized this and seemed to prefer her older, more reliable sister. Connie? s beauty and adolescence are one of the major helpers to Arnold? s behavior. A 2nd feature that brings the struggle of the narrative to her is Connie? s different personalities. She has two different ways of transporting herself? place? and ? anyplace else? . Her? place? personality is a more conservative, unsociable, and acceptable of a immature lady. However, her? anyplace else? personality brings about many R / gt ; alterations non merely in behaviour but besides in visual aspect. She could be seen as broad, sociable, and wild immature miss who is unfastened to new things ( 5 ) . Oates points out a 3rd trait. This trait is seeable through Connie? s actions. Her behaviour is reversible along with every thing else about her. Her actions in the first of the narrative, where she teases the male childs and entices them ( 5 ) , play a crisp contrast to her frightened actions at the terminal when the male child is luring her ( 110 ) . Connie exemplifies most immature misss in her actions. She likes to badger the immature work forces, but doesn? t understand the reverberations her actions will convey approximately. The writer takes the topic of a vulnerable immature miss and interweaves it with the subject of? good vs. immorality? . Connie is described as immature and immature ; nevertheless, Arnold is described as older and wiser. The subject is farther developed in the manner Arnold tempts Connie to come outdoors. A comparing can be drawn to Satan? s tempting of Jesus Christ such as: the show of his cognition, doing promises, and offering unrealistic wagess. This highlights the authoritative? good vs. evil? conflict. Nevertheless, Connie is much more susceptible than Jesus, and resignations to Arnold by traveling outside. Connie doesn? T want to travel but feels she has no other pick. Joyce Carol Oates leaves a acrimonious gustatory sensation in her audience? s oral cavity at the terminal of the narrative. Through Oates description of Connie? s features she shows how Connie had to populate with the consequence of her workss. Oates feels that unfairness has been done yet proves her point of immature misss opening themselves to these actions with their ain actions. She intends to go forth the injustice unpunished so her audience feels merely a little portion of what Connie felt. Connie didn? T want or merit the offense that was done to her. In the terminal Connie realized the artlessness she had been seeking to get away was now gone. Although the loss of her artlessness didn? t happen in a manner she had dreamed of it was gone and she was ? taken up merely the same by the huge sunlit ranges of the land behind him and on all sides of him, so much land that Connie had neer seen before and did non acknowledge except to cognize that she was traveling to it? ( 160 ) . ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;

Monday, December 2, 2019

Project Russia Review Essay Example

Project Russia Review Paper Essay on Project Russia Dear amazonka2010, I think it is not necessary to dump all the problems in our country and the shoulders of the people in the government or Jews looking at our lives from abroad. You think that a good uncle of the government (including the president) just like that and will get us out of this (sorry) crap? Want to civilized society and organnizovannoe and sober for years the government has increased five to ten ?! Soon, only cats are born! I do not understand your position. Book exact book project aims to reflect their reading; to change the awareness of current problems. If you like its a kick in the pants US ALL. You seem not to have learned the essence of the first book. Ill prompt: democracy is a myth. And her private step is the election authority. So this theme with a choice of time-RULER and condemned. And how would you have dealt in place of any branch chief (Im not even talking about the president), if you knew what you temporary head of (say one year)? Completely gave h imself to the service and detract from the work You would first of all think about the salary and how to feed their families. About the same and think our rulers currently. So, this idea goes by the wayside when serving the people is the primary goal. And it will be so if this service is long enough for an indefinite period, or if you want a life. Thats what the first book. How and where the authors live, they are millionaires or not, and where the money from the project is not our business. Or arguments about who and how profited This money we do not see and do not know their size ever. Or what have you got ENVY Stop thinking begins to think. these are not my words, but they can be very useful.