Monday, October 21, 2019

Reflection Portfolio

Reflection Portfolio Reflection Portfolio My vision towards health care is to enhance sustainable health care through consideration of modern health care strategies. In order to enhance this vision my personal visions entail: Values Relating to the System Foster Community Involvement in the Dissemination of Health Care The provision of critical health care services should always take into account the communitys input in the achievement of system objectives. This is primarily achieved through incorporation of the desired participatory approaches in the achievement of health care objectives (Albert 2003, p.37). Enable Equitable Access to Health Care All individuals in the community should essentially be in a position to access competent health care regardless of race, ethnicity, and economic background. These aspects provide a platform for the establishment of equity Competent, Efficacy and Efficiency of Health Strategies in Solving Health Problems Health care professionals need to be from accredited institutions, posses a proven track record of performance, and uphold professional principles. This will enable the achievement of desired efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness of the health care strategies (Albert 2003, p.38). Moreover, technological provisions need to meet the needed standards in providing health care. Promote Individual Autonomy The health care strategies used need to recognize different individual/personal backgrounds, cultural boundaries, ethnic practices, religious principles, and other unique traits of an individual such as presence of disabilities. Values Relating to Patient Care Always Consider Context During provision of health care there should be a mechanism in place for identifying contextual variations during actual care, for instance, in as much as an individual may be in need of acute services, this should recognize other needs, which could be contributing to the problem. Proper Coordination among Health Care Professionals Health care needs to be properly coordinated along the service chain (primary, secondary and tertiary). This should be achieved through the establishment of proven communication strategies that enable a seamless transition from one institutional setting to another with an aim of saving lives (Albert 2003, p.45). Right of Individuals and Communities to give Consent The fact that health care is being provided for the sustenance of life, this should also recognize and individuals choice, for instance, as seen in palliative care where individuals can choose to end their suffering through euthanasia. Hence, health providers need to recognize individual preferences in the proper context that warrants the application of such principles. Link between the Values An analysis of NSWs health care values and my personal collage values show a seamless link, which is illustrated as follows: Values Relating to the Health System NSWs Respect for individuals and communities shares common objectives with my personal values promoting the recognition of individual autonomy. In essence, some aspects relating to individual autonomy include culture, dignity, personal needs, and privacy (NSW Health 2010, p.5). Moreover, religion has a great influence in terms of cultural dimensions hence, it is necessary to use this as a guide in recognizing individual and community perceptions affecting health care provision. NSW encourages participation and share responsibility, which shows significant linkages with my personal health care values fostering community involvement in the dissemination of health care. In essence, individuals and communities need to work towards the achievement of desired health outcomes through personal efforts and proper help from professionals (NSW Health 2010, p.5). This is enabled through implementation of adequate and efficient participatory approaches. NSW values on equity, access and stewardship show significant linkages with my personal goals fronting for the promotion of equitable access for all members of the population. NSWs approach promotes access/equity and stewardship through affordable health packages, timely delivery, proper resource allocation, accountability, efficient management, and monitoring (NSW Health 2010, p.5). However, in order for these goals to be achieved especially focusing on resource allocation, the incorporation of ethnic, race, and economic background variables also play a significant role in fostering equity/access. NSWs values on quality, effectiveness, and safety show significant linkage to my personal values fostering for competency, efficacy, and efficiency of health care strategies. For instance, the fundamentals of quality and effectiveness can only be achieved by monitoring track record of performance to ensure professional services, and inspecting upcoming technological health care innovation to ensure safety provision. NSWs focus on the patient links well with my goals fronting for the recognition of contextual differences, which adequately takes into account present individual needs, in addition to health care needs. This puts the centre of focus on the patient as opposed to the system (NSW Health 2010, p.5). NSWs values on honest information and communication support my values fostering for the rights of individuals and communities to give consent on their health. For instance, by informing patients on what is a condition entails, what to expect, when changes may occur or future predictions of a particular condition (NSW Health 2010, p.5). In this case, patients are in a better position to decide on the best option for their health care like illustrated in the case of palliative care where patients may choose to undergo euthanasia. NSWs values on coordination of health care fundamentally share the same virtues as those expressed in my personal values. For instance, the fact that patients need to know rightful places for health access, in-charge in a medical process or other persons to be involved (brings in the aspect of institutional chain especially on account of transfers). Moreover, fundamentals of a well supported team run through the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of health care. Fostering respect for individuals and communities enables individuals in the health teams to sufficiently recognize the essence of certain elements of culture in delivering specialized health care services. Promoting access and equity enables members of the health team to deliver services in a timely fashion, while suiting the unique needs of each population group Fostering participation and shared responsibility among team members provides members with the opportunity to incorporate members of the community during formulation of unique strategies focusing on health care management. Fostering quality, effectiveness and safety in the provision of health care ensures the health teams maintain the required professional standards and ethical perspectives. In essence, through provider performance measures it will be possible to establish the professional actions among providers to the relative outcomes and outputs of services (Adams et al 2002) Through proper stewardship health teams are in a better position to respond to health needs of the population using allocated resources in an efficient manner. Leaders need to sensitize their health staff on the need to elevate patient focus so as to distinctively separate system functions, career expectations, and consumer gratification elements. Leaders need to design and implement communication strategies and information access portals that will be used by patients in providing individualized and community health care. According to Atwal and Jones (2009), Communication also involves conveying the information that the client needs to make decisions and explaining this information thoroughly so that the client clearly understands what you are saying (p.55) Ensuring respect for individuals and communities will encourage patients to consult health care services knowing that their reservations on certain procedures will be taken into consideration. Moreover, it will enable to identify cultural barriers towards the achievement of a desired community/personal health status. Ensuring access and equity will make patients aware of problems in the health system, which leads to their inadequate consultation for appropriate services. In addition, this will be done under timely and appropriate circumstances; hence saving more lives and improving patient recovery potential (Albert 2003, p.77). Encouraging participation and shared responsibility will ensure members of the population become proactively involved in the decision making cycles, evaluation and monitoring exercises, which foster their knowledge of the health system and its functions. Ensuring quality, effectiveness and safety has a positive impact by improving trust and faith in the current health care system with regard to professional treatment, which leads to positive feedback resulting from patients during assessments. Each of these components can be achieved by setting short term targets. According to Atwal and Jones (2009), Achievement of each short-term target, in turn, demonstrates successful outcome of a treatment, objective progression associated with patient improvement and recovery or maintenance (p.32). Proper stewardship ensures prioritization of resources to the most important health care needs of the patients, which consequently decreases the prevalence of such conditions among patients. Moreover, patients will be in a much better position to access health care during the most critical times of need (Albert 2003, p.22). Making the patient become the centre of focus decreases negative judgment of health institutions by patients based on a biased performance assessment as seen in some settings (Albert 2003, p.49). Promoting the right of care enables patients to demand for appropriate health care services and proper settings. This entails technology provisions, timely attendance, appropriate prescriptions and proper referral systems (Albert, 2003, p.93) Well-coordinated care enables patients to forward health related problems to the most relevant departments, which has a positive impact in increased utilization of specialized health care services. The provision of honest information and communication empower patients by enabling them to prepare personal health care management plans, since they will be aware of the status of their health care, and using the information they can restructure their needs to include emerging health problems. Having the government produce objective information about health plan, hospital or physician quality because consumers would find it difficult to make a utility-maximizing choice without it; markets tend to under produce public goods such as information (Rice 2001) Respect for individuals and communities can be efficiently be achieved by learning the different cultural elements of the community, which I will be serving, so that I have a proper understanding of the perceptions impacting negatively or positively on health care delivery. Access and equity fundamentals can be effectively incorporated by learning the different modes of communication available to patients and community members and population parameters needed to implement equitable distribution. The achievement of participation and shared responsibility among patients will involve recognizing technical and legal aspect impacting upon delivery of health care services. On quality effectiveness and safety, Atwal and Jones (2009) observe that, Therefore, in order to manage time efficiently and maximize professional effectiveness, strategies and plans need to be regularly re-evaluated and prioritized accordingly (p.24) Learning stewardship will entail looking into the various resource allocation criteria and establishing the relevance of each to a distinct group of population. Learning preparation objectives for focus on the patient care will entail the identification of critical factors affecting patients in different health settings. This will also involve identification of barriers hindering health care access within the health system. Enhancing right of care will entail learning the structures and patterns of interaction impacting upon the provision of care. According to Atwal and Jones (2009), This provides an organized structure to the treatment plan, maintains a focus of treatment while outlining the attainable steps required to ultimately reach the long-term goal (p.32). Learning proper coordination of health care will entail the identification of the health care structure, communication points and decision centers that affect the provision of well-coordinated care. In essence, effective communication leads to the provision of high quality services as it focuses on understanding, individual satisfaction, therapeutic adherence, conflict resolution among team members, community interaction, and general health outcomes (Pan American Health Organization 2009, p.20). Values Relating to Patient Care Influence of values on teams Values Relating to the Health System Values Relating to the Patient Care By focusing solely on the patient enables health teams to articulate functions of the health system such that they match the population health objectives. Through right of care, the health teams are able to establish meaningful relationships with their patients through instantaneous delivery of health information. Moreover, this also impacts positively in the dissemination of health information focusing on urgent measures and patient education (Albert 2003, p.87). Through well coordinated care, the health teams are able to plan they services such that there is a seamless transition in the provision of health services within institutional settings and a positive impact on competency levels. Competencies entail focus on the combination of skills, knowledge, and attitudes leading to timely and appropriate delivery in different contexts (Pan American Health Organization 2009, p.18). Incorporation of Values in teams by leaders Values relating to the health system Leaders/administrators to health care teams can sufficiently incorporate the fundamentals of respect to individuals and communities through formulation of strategies that recognize individual traits and cultures. Leaders can ensure access and equity for all by providing specific plans aimed at encouraging staff members to disseminate critical health information affecting all vulnerable health groups, without putting special focus on one group, as this fosters inequality. Leaders can play the front line in promoting participation and shared responsibility by integrating members of the population into the development of context specific health plans, by collecting their views/contributions during the design or evaluation stages (Albert 2003, p.46). Leaders can implement regular evaluation exercises focusing on team performance indices, which have a potential impact on health care, in order to ensure effectiveness and safety. Leaders need to identify a working allocation criterion for resources, which ensure proper stewardship. The resource allocation will essentially be based on utilitarian fundamentals, which improves access to number and satisfying targeted aims (Atwal and Jones 2009, p.101). Values relating to patient care Impact and Influence of values on patients and on patient care Values relating to the health system Values relating to patient care Personal Preparation for Professional Practice Values relating to the health system Values relating to patient care Honest information and communication fundamentals can be effectively by learning the different modes of communication available to patients and community members, and which can be used to enhance personal health management practices.

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