Thursday, July 18, 2019

Movie Task

authorized learn was first explored and essential by Ivan Pavlov, wherein the repeated unifications of a achromatic stimulus and an unconditi 1d stimulus would answer to a conditioned response to the sluggish stimulus which now go bads the conditioned stimulus. In simpler full terms, Pavlov was able to demonstrate that continuously pairing a fruit or taint with absolute emotions or ports, resulted to race go conditioned to the cross out or product as producing positive emotions or behaviors. incorrupt conditioning was the first learning blueprint to be applied to a public figure of fields whose objective does to make masses learn something new-sprung(prenominal) without actually needing to abide attention or analyze what they were learning. Classical conditioning was the preferred method of trade strategies for low-risk and low-involvement products and has been quite effective in create the connective between safety and Mr. Muscle, or that of a Happy Meal at M cDonalds. apprehension in the paintingIn the movie, classical conditioning was depict in the distinction make from the quality of career up at San Angeles and waste at the grows lair. The movie had shown a stark job between the kind of sprightliness concourse get to up at the megalopolis San Angeles and down the sewers. The affluent and safe look was depicted with the shiny buildings, the morality statute and vigour violence, whereas the dark and difficult bearing was depicted belowground in the sewers with un effectual nutriment, with rags for dress and unsanitary living(a) conditions. paygrade of the image in the movieClassical conditioning refers to the process in which something is learned because it has become firmly associated with a certain steamy or physiological response. The movie make use of the classical conditioning notion by making the viewers mean that flavour up at San Angeles was relegate than life under it because of the contrasting worked up response that it evoked from the actors in the movie.The life at San Angeles was safe and boring, while under it, it was dangerous and exciting. In the ideal of marketing, we could plan that Dr. Cocteau was promoting the quality of life in San Angeles by making wad believe that life there was safer, better and more fruitful than life under it to discourage people from going hole-and-corner(a) because he feels be by the dissenters.The emotional response of the characters in the movie who were up in San Angeles towards the underground rebels indicate the makings of classical conditioning, wherein the mere melodic theme or presence of a rebel could evoke fear or ill bequeath towards the rebels who did not want the kind of life offered by Cocteau. When the rebels go up at San Angeles to look for intellectual nourishment, the citizens feel that they are be t misapprehensionized while stark looks at it as a means of survival because he had not been conditioned to have shun em otions for the rebels standardized the mean(prenominal) citizens do. purpose 2 Title disgrace Loyalty vs inciter namemark EquityConcept DefinitionBrand loyalty refers to the degree of attachment that a consumer has for a particular taint, while crisscross equity refers to the intangible value that a consumer attaches to a particular instigant and how it evokes familiarity and positive emotions and perceptions. Brand equity is the general term while steel loyalty is a component of brand equity in concert with brand aware(predicate)ness, perceived quality and brand associations. The level of brand loyalty plantation predict the likelihood that a consumer will continue buying the brand, which substructure excessively be affected by brand awareness.Brand awareness indicates how well advised and aware the consumer is about the brand and its related to products, like how many kinds of detergents does Tide have. sensed quality refers to how consumers assess the quality of the brand, or how congruent the quality of the product is to how it has been marketed, if it put forwards it can make stains disappear, do consumers believe it or not.Brand associations refer to the emotional and psychical associations a consumer has about the product, if Tide is associated as the cleanest smelling detergent, because the mere photo to the product would have us look upon that clean smelling shirt at the wash. The stronger the brand loyalty is and awareness and association of the product and high perception of quality, the stronger the brand equity will be.Concept in the movieBrand loyalty and brand equity was depicted in the movie with the reference of greaser campana as the scarce surviving fast nutriment after the different establishments battled it out in the franchise wars. Since San Angeles promoted safe and clean living without meat, fat, high cholesterol and the like, greaser cost was the exactly fast viands that survived because they offered the fo od that was prescribed by the leader of San Angeles and since greaser bell was providing the same kind of food before the big one of 2010, then brand loyalty and equity had been strong as many people were aware of wetback Bell, and knew about its quality and that it is associated with healthy food and clean living.Evaluation of the concept in the movieIn the movie, Huxley explained that the only fast-food in the urban center was Taco Bell this indicated that Taco Bell has strong brand equity. This would mean that Taco Bell has a monopoly of the fast food effort and that any franchise in the city is named Taco Bell. Surviving the franchise war digs us an idea of how the brand equity of Taco Bell gained an al some cult like status the franchise war referred to how the fast-food industry tried to offer products that would be in come abouting with the new quality of life with San Angeles, devoid of hamburgers and French fries and former(a) sinfully unhealthy foods.Since most fast -foods rely on the usual fare of grease and zesty fries, the move to prefer healthier foods left wing the other fast-foods c gaga. It was probably Taco Bell who alone kept up with the ever-changing food habits of the people of San Angeles which s why it has come to be associated with healthy and approved foods. Likewise, Taco Bell has been able to take the fast-food brand as a warehousing of the kind of fast foods in the city 20 years ago. The awareness of the brand of fast food as Taco Bell show that people nonoperational were loyal to the brand and they already have formed a strong thinking of the kind of food offered in the stores.Concept 3 Title Cognitive racket theory vs Attribution theoryConcept DefinitionLeon Festinger said that cognitive racquet arose from the inconsistency of an individuals stead to his/her behavior or actions. When a somebody thinks that he/she is kind but refuses to give alms to beggars, then that person experiences cognitive interference, the normal reaction to cognitive dissonance is to nullify the dissonance by changing ones attitudes.On the other hand, ascription theory refers to the process in which we recoup and understand our own behavior or that of other people. Heider said that attributions are made based on personal factors or situational factors in order to explain the behavior of other people. The fundamental attribution error says that observers generally overreckoning the influence of personal factors when explaining the behavior of others while we tend to overestimate situational factors when we analyze our own behavior.Concept in the movieCognitive dissonance and attribution theory was shown in the movie with the series of exchanges between life-threatening and Huxley in their pursuit of capital of Arizona and also in the justification made by Dr. Cocteau in his attempt at eliminating the rebel leader. In a poignant scene, Spartan complains that chasing and hit bad people are O.K. but if these peo ple are only looking for for food then it is not okay. Attribution theory was depicted when Dr. Cocteau was demoralise with how his plan turned sour when phoenix failed to follow his orders and instead went on a killing rampage in San Angeles.Evaluation of concept in the movieSpartan was a cop of the past and he had trouble adjusting to the quality of life in the new San Angeles, he was brought to life once more in order to catch an old criminal which was no match for the new San Angeles police force. This situation already hinted of cognitive dissonance, the presence of a police part who were ill equipped to catch criminals, and the curtailing of immunity of expression in order to keep peace and order in the city.The most memorable example of cognitive dissonance was when Spartan was chasing after a collection of rebels who were looking for food, he thought that these people were really rebels but when he found out that they were only looking for food and was rebelling agains t the quality of life up in San Angeles than an arms rebellion.The dissonance arose from Spartans belief that he is a honorable cop chasing after bad guys, when he realized that he was chasing people looking for food, he felt discomfort and tension which resulted to attitude change, and here we see that Spartan tried to understand the rebels and their principles thereby reducing the dissonance. Attribution theory was depicted in Dr. Cocteaus explanation of why Phoenix did not go through the plan to kill the rebel leader immediately. He said that Phoenix was made that counsel that a criminal would always be a criminal he failed to say that the lack of police force and the fragile security measures all contributed to Phoenixs ease at creating mayhem in the city.ReferenceSchiffman, L. G. & Kanuk, L. L. (2007). Consumer Behavior, 9th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall, Inc.

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